
More trouble

*Misty shakes her head at Carson now the soft glow from the cell screen she can make out his face.*

"Well this place isent like the Agency. I havent been here long but I do know my Uncil. He's to caring to let anyone here get hurt on purpis.*

*Misty takes a few steps away from Carson and diel Nate's number on her cell.*

*As Nate phone vibrates her pull it off his belt loop. Looking at the number he dosent reconize it but answers it anyways.*

Nate: "Hello?"

Misty: "Nate, its Misty. Carson is ready to talk now."

Nate: "What, how do you know....."

Misty: "Well when you locked him in you locked me in too."

*Nate stands throwing his trash away.*

"Your more trouble than you are worth. Your gonna get yourself hurt one of these day."

*Misty rolls her eyes.*

"Ya ya ya thats what everyone says I have yet to see it. Just get in here before he changed his mind again."

*Misty hangs up the phone put keeps it fliped open so the light illumantes the room. Walking over to the closest wall Misty leans her back aganst is proping her foot up on the wall behind her as well.*

*Nate looks at Jason and shakes his head.*

"That girl, she is locked in the room with Carson. She must had snuck in when we were looking. She said Carson wants to talk now. Come on lets go and get this over with."

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