

*Jamie smiles up at Con.*

"How about some coffee and Toast? I can come down and fix you and Laura something if you like? I dont wanna be a part pooper up here. You both have been kind to me its teh least I can do."

*The day at Jamie's starts and all is well.*

*Nate looks down at Carson. What giving Carson what he wanted the best thing. It was hard to read Carson. He changes so much, when Misty was around, when Misty wanted, when he had been alone for a while, or if he has interacted with many. Nate searches Carsons eyes.*

"I'll do what I have to, to let these innocent people finally reast. To let the dead at your hands have peace."

*Misty looks up from her paper word and shrugs.*

"Ya I dont see why not. I dont know what Nate could possable want with me though."

*Standing Misty stratens her hunter green tank top and brushes off her jeans.. As she pass the mirror she runs her finger through her long hair and just keeps it down floating around her shoulder. Finally she heads out the door with Jason heading for the room with Nate and Carson.*

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