
Hero Lost in Time

*Nate looks at Scott. He'd been where he was. He'd been hurt before and lost the one he loved the most. It never felt good.*

"Well first off your not a geek and a nerd if Katie hurd you say that weather you two were together or not she would slap you."

*Nate stops for a moment and continues.*

"Next, if she left you I dont think it was for Jason. She loved you Scott Johnson more than anything. If I know Katie at all she probley thought he was hurting you and thats why she let go. I would never second guess her love for you or think she left for someone alse. That dosent sound like the Katie that always talked so highly of you. I think she did it in a way for you."

*Nate lets out another sigh. This whole thing was a mess and though he dident know what was on Katie's mind he had seen the smile on her face and the laughter in her voice when she was around Scott. How could anyone say she dident love him.*

"I know your not ok Scott, and I dont blame you. Hang in there buddy, and though it hurts know that God has his plans. Your a good guy Scott with a big heart. In time it will heal. Trust me I know. I remember when I lost my fiance. It hurt real bad for a long time even though it was my fault. I cryed so much it wasent funny."

*Nate gives Scott a side long glance.*

"You tell anyone that I'll kill you."

*A small smile forms on Nate's lips.*

And through the darkness a voice was hurd and so I followed the sound.
I closer I got the more light I saw but it felt so far away.
I walked on and on as the memories slowly passed by, but they seemed to do so in reverse.
As though the most recent were whiped away like something horrable had happend my mind was trying to block out and so the timeline was set back.
As if I had hit the reset button.
My feet still moving twords the sound,
I new I had to move on.
What would the world be like with out its Hero's?
Even if the hero was lost in time.

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