

Something close to a short, dry chuckle comes out at Nate's last statement, though Scott doesn't really find a whole lot of humor in it.

He shakes his head, his gaze dropping back to the floor. "I know she loves me...that's what makes it harder. If she would have told me that she didn't love me anymore, at least I could deal with that rejection...there would be a logical reason for us to part. But knowing she still loves me...and I still lover her...and knowing that we can't be together...it's pure torture. I saw that look in her eye, Nate.... Even though she still loves me, there's nothing I could do to bring her back. She made up her mind, and when Katie makes up her mind, that's that."

Scott fidgets with a loose thread on his jeans. "No...she didn't leave me for Jason per say...but he's the reason." He swallows hard, tears of frustration filling his eyes. "I should have known better. I knew that they were inseparable. I shouldn't have stolen her like I did...I should have just let things be." He takes an angry swipe at his eyes before the tears can fall, but the motion just makes his eyes redder. "And I should have taken that job in Arizona."

Standing abruptly, he heads down the hall. "I'm going back home for a while. Call my cell if something changes."

Jason remains with Katie, leaving only to talk to others or get something to drink and stay awake. Camryn comes to offer a shoulder, and though feeling a little bit awkward, she plays her part the best she can, leaving when she has to go to work.

Con arrives later in the morning and stays for a while, talking with Jason, and talking to Katie for a few minutes too. Seeing no changes and knowing she's stable, he opts to go to work later in the day, asking for updates if anything does change.

As the hours pass, the worry sets in of when Katie will awake. No one knew...no one could tell. Scott comes and goes, not speaking much to any of the others, and avoiding any talk of what everyone seemed to know by now. The news of the breakup had spread like wildfire.

The band comes in during the evening to say hi and see Katie, cracking jokes and making Jason smile even when he didn't feel like it. It was strange...it felt so odd to be here again with everyone...it felt as if they were back to when Katie was here before. Only things were so different now.

The next two days go by slowly. Jason leaves only to take care of Trooper, returning again to sit by Katie's bed, if only to hope that his presence would somehow speed up her recovery. Camryn continues to come see him, bringing him meals and giving him some company, though she leaves again for work and for sleep. Others from TJY come, bringing flowers and talking with others, all worried and praying.

Jason's eyes are closed as a light sleep has taken over. He can hear voices in the hall. He thinks it's Con...Nate...maybe Scott, but Scott had been avoiding interaction the last couple days. Maybe he heard Laura too. HIs mind was weary, his body exhausted, even though he had hardly done anything but remain here. He didn't know if it was his own doing or if Katie's condition was simply draining his energy slowly.

Leaning back in the chair, he doesn't let himself sleep too deeply, his ears hearing the ever constant beeping of machines, alert to any movement Katie might make. It's late evening. Hard to believe another day has passed.

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