
You look Spiffy

*Katie watches as Jason leaves the room a smile on her face. Left alone in the silence Katie moves her legs slightly. She could really move them. She was going to be able to walk again after all.

Hearing someone come in the door Katie looks up. Cocking her head to the side for a moment she studys the face that looked looked back at her. Trying to consintrate her smile finally grows. How he looked differt.*

"Scott, look at you. Your all spiffy looking I dident reconise you at first. I love the new look though Scott. Its fits you well."

*Katie smiles up at Scott.*

"How are you?"

*Nate listens to what Jason says as he hold Laura. Katie not remembering was going to be hard.*

"Wow, do you think she ever will remember and if she does....wow."

*Nate looks down at Laura and than back up to Jason and Con.*

"There is so much that has happend since that time. You mom and Wes, the baby, Con and Jamie, Laura and I, Her aunt and Mick. There are so many good memories she is miss too. I feel bad for her. You cant miss what you dont remember but still...just its hard thing to think about and its probley gonna be alittle painful."

*Nate just shakes his head. He dident even know where to start with this. Most of the time he had works that would be helpful but now he was at a loss.*

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