
Road Block

*Katie nods as Scott turns to leave.*

"It was great seeing you again too Scott. I look forward to seeing you at work."

*Katie's eyes follow him as he leaves the room a strange melancholy settling over her. For a moment she had a feeling of sadness and maybe almost a panic as Scott left the room. Like she wanted to yell for him to come back, maybe even beg for him to stay but why would she do that when she hardly new Scott. As fast as the feeling comes up its gone again and Katie is left alone with the fog and cloudiness. Leaning her head back Katie closes her eyes. All she wanted to do right now was sleep some more. Everything was so confusing and being told much time had passed since her first accident was tiring. Trying to remember but running into a road block was even harder.*

*Nate gives a nod.*

"Yeah I can go find her. I think I saw Dr. Fuller at the front desk when Laura and I came in. I'll be back."

*Nate breaks away from the group and heads back to the front of the hospital to find Dr. Fuller and fill her in on Katie.*

*Katie opens her eyes again as someone enters the room. A smile spreads across her face as she see who it is. Even if it was dark in the room the large frame could give it away in a heartbeat.*

"Hey Big Brother."

*Katie gives a little laugh as Con comes over and mess up her hair.*

"Sorry, I did'ent mean to scair you again. I guess I have a habbit of doing that huh?"

*Katie reaches up to give Con a hug.*

"Hey is everything ok? For some reason I got a strange vibe from Jason like something was wrong?"

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