
Perminent Coma

*Katie cant help but grin up at Con. Her eyes sparkled though they showed alittle confustion.*

"Yeah I guess I can get out of the habbit. Or try anyways."

*Katie thinks for a moment about what Con said about her being here last. Had it really been that long? It felt like just yesterday to her.*

"Has it really been that long Con? It seems like just yerterday to me. Has alot changed since than? Now I feel so lost because I cant remember such a big time spand. I try to remember and all I see is fog."

*Dr. Fuller approches the group with Nate close behind. She scans each face in turn as she plays over things in her own mind.*

"I cant say for certin from what Nate has told me if Katie will ever get her memorie back or not, but once I check her over and do some quick tests I will be able to let you guys know."

*Dr. Fuller lets out a low sigh. This was hard she had delt with cases like this before and 9 out of 10 times people never recovered and if they did they still wernt the same.*

"The best think you can do right now for Katie is make her comfortable and try not to feel her tomuch old information that she dosent remember. If her brain is trying to block out some painful avent or situation that happend and you end up reminding her to fast her brain could shut down again and throw her back into a coma that she very well might not come out of because her mind is trying to protect her."

*Dr. Fuller waits a few moment for any questions and than slips past the group and into the room giving a nod to Con that asked he step out of the room.*

"Hi Katie. I'm Dr. Fuller. How are you fe...."

*Dr.Fuller's voice becomes muffled as she closes the door beind Con as he leaves. Now once again it was a game of waiting.*

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