

Axel is quiet for several moments, just standing on the sidewalk and looking out into the night. He rubs his hand absentmindedly, but that pain didn't compare to what was going on in his mind and heart.

"It's not your fault," he finally replies. "You didn't make things worse. You were just doing what you thought was right. I can't be upset at you for that."

He looks down, then takes a deep breath, starting towards the car. "I'm sorry our evening was ruined. I should have known better."

Getting to the parking lot, he stops by the car, letting Jess' arm go to lean against the roof. He still didn't dare to look in her eyes. "It didn't used to be like this, ya know." He swallows hard. "It was just me. The words were the same. The looks were the same. People talking about me and throwing their remarks at me were the same. And I could take it. I got used to it."

He nods, convincing himself as he stares out into the dark. "I always figured there was no point in trying to prove my innocence, ya know? No proof... what was the point? I could always run. it was just me. Who cared? But now..."

Axel shakes his head slowly and finally turns around to face Jess. "...but now there's more than me. And I can't take it." His jaw muscles tighten, the strain getting worse. "I could take me getting the jabs and the looks... but I don't want you getting them too. You don't deserve that."

He pauses, the look in his eye proving that so much was running through his mind. "When... when I was just a kid... teenager... my brother and I were close. Did everything together... always had each other's backs. We made a promise one day that we'd never leave the other one behind. To seal the bargain, we gave each other these."

Reaching inside his shirt, Axel reveals his dogtags, pulling the chain over his head. His thumb runs over the words. Axel Jalen. "I guess when I was convicted, he figured it was me who broke the promise first. But I'd still have his back... if I ever saw him again."

Regrouping, Axel shakes his head again. "Ever since then, I'll I've done is run, because I could. Because it was just me. But it's time for me to stop." He stares Jess in the eye. "It's time for me to prove my innocence. I don't know how... I don't know if I even can. But I have to try. If not for my sake, then for yours."

He slowly stretches out his hand, the dogtags hanging in front of Jess. "I could get in a lot of trouble, exposing myself. I could get run out of town. I could be given boundaries by law. But I promise you... no matter what happens... I won't leave you behind."

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