

“Jess no, don’t…” Axel’s voice trails off. Too late.

The men and women at the other table all look upon Jess with distaste, the men’s stares turning into glares. “What… look… back of, lady.”

They try to interrupt, but their voices just get lost in Jess’ passionate words.

“What ever happened to freedom of speech?” one woman grumbles.

“Lady, cool it.” But the man’s voice isn’t heard.

As Jess ends, the small group all eye each other, no one saying anything right away. It was obvious that her strong words indeed made them all feel guilty. No one could deny that they really didn’t have facts… they had just heard rumors and seen a picture. Jess’ words did cut them to the quick. But the men weren’t as apt to take the speech lying down.

“Honor? You’re kidding me, right? You just don’t like us saying that your boy there’s a criminal. People like him lost all honor the day they did the despicable.”

“We don’t want someone like him around,” the other guy chimes in. “The public deserves to know he exists, and he doesn’t deserve to be around our families. You think you got dignity back by hanging out with him, you’re looney.”

The first man scoffs. “He’s a menace to society.”

One of the women tries to get the guys to calm down. “Look, just leave it… come on.”

“No!” The man argues. “I came here for a nice evening, not to look at a guy like that.” Riled up, he stands, facing Jess. “I suggest you go back and if you’re that naive to let him brainwash you into thinking he cares, then be my guest. But don’t bring him here.”

Axel has had enough. Standing up, he throws his napkin down and takes a step to the other table. Putting himself between Jess and the table, he takes her by the arm, pulling her away. “It’s not worth it, Jess, forget it.”

“Hey, let her go,” the other man growls.

A waiter gets bumped and drops a glass of water. “Excuse me, is everything okay?”

“Yeah, yeah,” Axel growls. “Fine.”

“No, it isn’t fine!” The other man raises his voice. “This man is a criminal and this woman is his next victim.”

“That’s a lie!” Axel’s own voice raises to match the heightened tones. His hand remains on Jess’ arm as his desperation increases.

By now, the waiter is taking sides, trying to resolve this issue without a larger scene. “Sir… sir…” He puts a hand on Axel’s shoulder. “Please, let the girl go.”

“I’m not trying to hurt her!”

“Just let her go!”

Axel drops Jess’ arms and puts both hands in the air. “Alright! Okay?” His right hand, now visible is trembling involuntarily.

The waiter motions to a nearby manager, who comes over, concerned. “Is there a problem?”


The manager frowns and looks at Axel, who seems to be the biggest problem. “I’m sorry, but I’m going to have to ask you to leave.”

“Look, I just…”


Axel can see that there is no use in arguing, and he drops his hands to his sides in defeat. He looks at the men at the table, his eyes showing a strange plea for mercy. His gaze bounces to the waiter, the manager, then finally Jess. The look of apology on his face could not be more sincere.

Hanging his head, Axel turns and trudges towards the door. He knew that Jess would follow, and he wanted to take her on his arm to walk her out with dignity, but right now, that would only make things worse.

He shoulders his way out of the restaurant, never having been so embarrassed in his life. It was almost as bad as right after the incident itself. The looks were the same. The attitudes were the same. Except now it wasn’t just him being affected anymore.

The cool night air did nothing to refresh or soothe. Axel stops on the sidewalk, rubbing his hand as the pain shoots through it. He wished he would have chosen somewhere else to go tonight…anywhere else. This wasn’t fair… it wasn’t fair to Jess or him.

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