

Giving a small chuckle as Mackenzie comes out in one of Carson big T-Shirts Misty gives her a small wave goodnight. Staying sitting on the couch till Carson comes back Misty finally leans her head aganst the back and turns to see him giving a tired smile.

"This one thing cant be easy because its just not an easy thing no matter how much you want to think it is."

Knowing this was hard for Carson Misty leans over just a little to take his hand in her own and interlock her fingers with his. She felt bad Carson had to deal with this but there was nothing that could be done but move forward the best they could.

"No matter what she is your daughter and while wanting to do whats best for her, its a very delikit situation to handle. You just have to keep moving forward. Things will work out for the good."

"...Cant go wrong with a stake house can ya? I mean there isnt much to mess up anyways."

Getting a nice warm feeling as Axel waits for her to get out of the car Jess wares a timid but brave smile at the new feeling.

Taking Axel's hand interlocking her fingers with his and staying a little close being in the new surroundings. Though keeping her guard up by habbit Jess stood proud to be standing hand in hand with Axel.

Entring the steak house a nice warm friendly feeling is presented making everything feel comfortable again and letting Jess to relax as they wait to be seated. Leaning over just a little Jess smiles at Axel now that she could see him in a better light.

"You look very nice tonight."

Giving her own timid laugh Hope is quiet as the akward silence hangs in the air for a few moments. She wasnt sure what else to say and certinly didnt want to just hang up on Scott.

"Ok, well I am happy your doing alright..."

Pausing again for a moment than starting up.

"..if you need anything you know my number. I"ll pick up anytime. Have a good night Scott."

Bending down to pet Henry Katie looks up at Ryder a grin forming at the corner of her mouth.

"Oh great now what you did your silly Cat. Now I am the enemy."

Straghting back up again Katie cant help but laugh at her own silliness before going back to the fridge to put her battle of water back.

"All right well thats see I think I am in the mood for something funny sp I'll go pick something while we wait for dinner to get done."

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