
Your words...

Continuing to listen at the people at the table Jess own fire burns even more. It wasnt fair, why did these people have to be like this and why couldnt they see what she could. Axel would never hurt anyone.

As Axel take her arm to lead her out of the restraint and let things lie She turns to follow only to relize a little to late things were worse now.

"No, He's not hurting me..."

"Everythings fi..."

But as Axel is asked to leave a pain flashes in Jess eyes. She had only made thing worse now. Watching Axel leave she shakes her head. This wasnt fair, why did it have to be like this.

Turning back to the group a Jess eyes were now read and had a glossy color to them not for herself but for Axel and what he has to deal with. Looking around the table she look apon the group with disust.

"I hope I live to see the day you eat your words spoken today."

Turning quickly Jess goes back to the table grabing bother there jackets and throwing some money on the table before turning and jogging out the door calling for Axel.

Catching up to him Jess rests a hand on his arm for a moment as she links her arm with his and lets out a long sigh. The nice night air helped cool her own anger for what haend inside, now only a guilt remained.

"I'm sorry I made things worse. It just made me so angry that they talked about you that way. I just, wanted to defent you and I made it worse. You wanna go for a walk on the beach or something?"

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