
Dream World

Hearing Laura's voice makes the grin on Nate's face grow even though she cant see it. His berves and worry seem to almost disappear now as her soft words are like music to his hears.

"Hey Babe. Well to tomarrow is out anniversary and I wanted to take you out to dinner at the nice fancy Italian restraint. The choice is yours but I wont take no for an answer I wanna do something nice for you so please say yes!"

Nate waits and listens hope that Laura's answer really was yes.

As Luke picks her up Angel slowly puts her arms around his neck. Though she dosnt hold on with much force she trys the best she can in her weak state. Resting her head on his shoulder she is quiet just listing to the rythem of Luke's heart and his breathing she try to stay at contious as she can.

Once getting to TJY and inside the infermary Angel turns her head to look at Scott and give a small smile. Feeling the pillow and the blanket over her, along with Luke's hand still in her Angel falls into a strange uncountiousness as her exsaution takes over once again. Though unable to reply at the moment she can head and comprehend everything that was going on around her along with willing it as well. It was almost like a dearm but this was very much real.

Hanging up her phone Misty heads back to her bedroom and changes into a par of jeans and throws a hoodie over her tanktop. She wasnt sure what was going on but Rick had made it sound like an emergncy and if it had to do with Angel she would hurry even faster.

Heading out the door and getting into her car Misty wasts no time in getting to TJY. Quickly making her way across the floor and into the infermary. Looking around the room Misty can only guess who Luke was seeing him holding Angel's hand. As for Gunner and Jeff she had no idea but they must be friends if they had gotten this far. Not knowing what was going on Misty could only wait for Rick but takes a step closer to Angel glancing at Luke than back to Angel she takes in how she looks, and the marking taking not to anything that was not natrule.

"What happend?"

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