
Some things never...

Laura's smile broadens. "Aw, you remembered." She sinks down a little further in the couch, pulling a blanket up over her feet.

A giggle escapes. "You know I can't say no to you. I can try, but it never works very well...." She pauses, a sly tone coming to her voice. "Not after you figured out how to get me to go out with you anyway."

Still smiling, she glances over to the calendar on the wall. "Tomorrow is great. I'll see you at work so we can work out the best time."

Luke stays in the chair, resting an arm against the bed, trying to keep himself going. He was exhausted, but Angel was more important than his rest right now. Still holding her hand, his other moves to stroke her hair, a silent prayer running through his mind.

Jeff stands back quietly, unsure what his role in all this was right now. It was obvious that Gunner knew who to call, and apparently the physician was on his way. Jeff glances over to see Scott leaning back against the wall, quietly watching.

"How ya doing, Scott? Good to see you again."

Scott looks over to him quickly, having been blind to Jeff's position in the room, and not realizing he was still there. "Yeah..." he gives a little nod. "I'm... I'm doing okay."

Jeff offers a smile the best he can. He'd heard all about what had happened with Scott, but seeing him for himself... it was a whole new feeling. He didn't know what to say.

Scott knows good and well what Jeff must be thinking. He had the same look on his face as anyone else who saw Scott for the first time after the incident. They all reacted the same, even though they didn't mean to. "There's a couple more chairs over there," Scott offers quietly. "Or... or there's a spare bed in the next room if you're tired."

Jeff shakes his head. "We just stole your bed, buddy. You should take the other room."

It takes a couple minutes of thinking until Scott relents. He'd probably just get in the way in here anyway. He looks over to the bed one more time, worried about Angel. He didn't know her all that well, but he liked her... she'd always been so kind. And he didn't know Luke all that well either but it was obvious that he cared for his wife.

Finally, Scott sidles past Gunner and Jeff to go into the guest room instead. Sinking down on the bed, he waits. For what, he wasn't sure. He wasn't quite as tired now. So he just sits in the quite dark.

Gunner lifts an eyebrow as Scott leaves the room. That certainly wasn't the Scott he used to know. A low whistle escapes.

Jeff looks at him quickly. "Yeah... ditto."

Gunner purses his lips and sighs a little. "Guess I didn't realize just how bad it was."

"Me neither."

"Well..." Gunner sets his hands on his hips. "Rick is on his way. Shouldn't take him more than a couple minutes."

He's right. Rick is quick to arrive to TJY, jogging down to the infirmary. Seeing Gunner, he skids to a halt, blinking before he realizes who it is. "Good grief... what happened to you?"

Gunner grins. "How come everybody keeps giving me a hard time?" He glances over to a mirror. "What's up with the surprise anyway?"

Rick rolls his eyes. "Good to see you again."

Gunner's smile is genuine. "Yeah. Feels good to be here."

Rick moves quickly to the bed, giving Angel a once-over before introducing himself to the two men he didn't know.

Luke acknowledges him. "I'm Luke... Angel's husband."

"And I'm Jeff," Jeff adds. "Katie's uncle."

"Ah yes." Rick nods, recognizing the names. "Well I'm glad you brought Angel in. Misty's on her way to help me out too. I have a feeling she might know more than I do."

"Misty?" Luke questions.

"Medical assistant."

Once Misty does arrive, Rick lets her check Angel over too. "I can't pinpoint it," he comments with concern. "But her body is starting to shut down. These guys brought her in from the hotel."

Luke looks up at Misty, the worry coursing through his eyes. "She only told me this morning... I came as soon as I could. Have you been helping her?"

While the others talk and explain again who Luke and Jeff were and how they came to be here, Gunner wanders from the infirmary. Taking a casual glance down the hall, he wanders to the break room. Looking at the pop machine, he fishes in his pockets for change, but comes up empty.

Approaching the machine from the side, he places one hand near the top, and with the other, he runs it along the side. Down about halfway, he stops and feels for the right spot. Giving a firm whack to the panel, a few quiet noises come from inside the machine, then suddenly a clunk, and a can of Pepsi is deposited.

Gunner grins and picks up the can. "Some things never change." Opening the soda and taking a swig, he wanders back out into the hall and heads for the main floor to take a look around.

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