

Even though Laura cant see him Nate gives a nod as the joy can be hurd in his voice. "Ok tomorrow morning at work we can talk about a time. I talked with Reese about getting out a little bit early so I should be around till about 2. Love ya babe and talk to you tomorrow."

Hanging up the phone Nate leans back on the couch, than glances at his sister who was asleep next to him. How life has changed in the last few years and how blessed Nate was to be where he is now. The road had been long but it was worth it. It would be interesting to see what was to happen in the future. How life would turn out and what would happened next.

Drawing closer to Angel Misty studys her taking a few of her own items from her bag. Starting to draw blood she looks up at Luke and than back at Angel.
"Well I was working on my latest project with nerve damage research. She never really told me why but she took an interest in it and wanted to help me out. Other than helping me I didn't know she was sick. She asked to look at some of my other research and I said now problem. Maybe she was looking for a cure without telling anyone I don't know."

Continue to check Angel over Misty isn't to sure what more she can do. She would check the blood sample and probably spend most her night checking over the tests she had done. Turning to Rick she shakes her head and looks to Luke than Jeff, than back to Rick.

"She's not looking good Rick. I'll do all I can but I don't know if thats going to be enough. Has Angel had any contact with the Agency as of late? Gunner was always watching the cameras so no one could of slipped into the ranch at anytime? Or has Angel been outside the country recently? Any information you can give me will help in what I am trying to look for. The only other thing I could possibly think of doing is calling Carson and seeing if maybe he knows the symptoms or anything."

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