
Keep an eye

Looking up at Jay again Katie gives a small nod and a little smile as the tears still glisson in her eye. Slowing moving pass Jay Katie enters farther into the bunkhouse and to Jeff's side. He was getting worse by the minute and Katie could see it in his face. Sitting down on the bed Katie gentily runs her hand up and down Jeff's back and arm gently rubbing.

"You can't leave me yet, not after I just found out your my dad."

Tears rolled freely from Katie's eye not holding them back this time. Her hand shook a little but she didnt take it off of Jeff. She was there, and she wanted him to continue to feel her and know she was close bye.

"I always felt so close to you. Like I could tell you anything in the world and it would be ok. Sometimes I ever felt like you ran a close second to how close I felt to Jason."

Stopping for a moment Katie choked on her own words. The emotions churned inside of her, everything was happening so fast there was very little time to work through it all and process it.

"You could always make me smile and your camp fire story's kept me entertained for hours even if it didn't seem like it. I think I almost got every one memorized."

Katie gives a smile to Jeff trying to make him feel better and as comfortable as she could.

"I'll always remember the good times. I love you Dad!"

Katie gives a small chuckle and shakes her head whipping some of the tears from her face.

"It sounds strange calling you that, but I'll get use to it quick. I think I like how it sounds."

Opening the car door Hope stops for a moment and turns back to Gunner.

"Be safe ok?"

Getting out Hope closed the door behind her and makes her way inside starting to head down the levels. Making a quick stop to see Scott and set up a dinner date Hope was on her way once again to Reese office.

Giving a smile and a nod of hello to Susanne Hope knocks on the office door. Hearing Reese's answer to come in Hope slips into the room quietly and makes her way to his desk.

"Hey Reese, I just wanted to let you know that today is my last session with Gunner. I cant help someone who doesn't want it. It just does not work that way."

Hope it quiet for a moment as she collects her own thoughts and than speaks again.

"But that dosnt mean I wont be keeping an eye on him. He'll be back to see me sooner or later when he is ready. I could see it in his eyes the truth is gonna his him hard. We just need to give this time ok?"

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