

Giving a shake of her head Hope looking out the window again as her heart sank just a little. She could feel the had taken a step back now and it would only be that much longer till Gunner could find his peace.

"We are going back, and there will be no session tomorrow, or the day after. I am telling Reese this was the last session."

Hope continues to look out the window blinking her eyes every once and a while as she let out a small sigh.

"There is no point in wasting your time for anymore sessions when you dont think you need them."

Hope falls silent but her brain was still saying so much. Thinking of ways to help Gunner, thinking of reasons. No matter if she tryed to stop or not her brain tryed to form a plan.

Making her way back across the grass Katie drags her feet. Words from someone she really never talked to lingered as she headed to the bunk house.

"So your mad at them both?"

"No I dont think I am, I think its more confustion than anger."

"So why did you walk away?"

"Because I was hurt, and I am trying to be strong through this whole thing. Jeff dosnt need to see me sad. I cant cry, I have to be strong."

Katie looked over her shoulder at Dan to who leaning on the fence next to her. He's seen her upset and followed her. She didn't mind to much for his company, after all she really didnt know him all that well and sometimes its easyer to talk with a stranger.

Dan's heart went out to Katie and he couldnt even imagen how she must feel. His life was far from perfect, but he wondered if knowing the man you called father all your life turned out not to be hurt more than his own problems.

"It's ok to cry you know, in front of Jeff, in front of everyone. Its not going to make them feel bad, but going to show them that you have feelings going on inside of you too that need to be let out."

"But what if I can't stop the tears once they start to come?'

Dan gave a small smile.

"Your a strong woman Katie Pent. Once they start, when your ready they will stop too."

Katie gave a short laugh.

"How do you know I am strong? You only just met me."

"Because since you came here, I've watched from a distance. Your Aunt and Uncle talk highly of you too. Your an Agenct in the Elite that has to take some kind of strangth too."

Katie smiled at Dan. What he said made her feel good. Its was a soft worm glowing feeling she had inside and Dan's words made a little scence.

"So what do I call them now? Dad and Uncle just some seem right anymore."

"Call them both Dad, or just call them by there first name till your comfortable. I am sure they would understand."

"I just..."

Stepping a little closer to Katie Dan lays a hand on her shoulder and bends a little to look her in the eye.

"There is no just Katie. You have always been close to Jeff and really this changed nothing but making your guys closer. He's dieing Katie and you know it. There is no time for second thoughts. And if he was to go tomorrow would you really want him to think you were mad?"

Katie looked up at Dan into his blue eyes.

"No, I wouldn't. Thanks Dan."

Realizing she had stopped at the porch Katie takes a deep breath opening the door. Stepping inside she almost runs into Jay. Looking up at him no words come for a moment as she just looks at him.

Finally though she moves as she wraps her arms around him. The tears that had been filling her eyes for day finally made there way out and down her cheek staining Jays shirt.

"I just...want you to know, You'll always be my dad too."

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