

*KAtie keeps her smile held. Jen was Kyle's twin. Now that she looked closer she could see the resembalance. They were so funny. Going back and forth bickering. But seeing the twinkles showed they loved and respected eachother.* "Its very nice to meet you." *As Katie listens to Jen's story about what happend to her a bit of comfort comes over her. It was horrable what happend to Jen but it was nice to hear someone alses story who could relate to her own. Though Jen was so much differnt from her brother they were still the same. Katie hoped they would both show up more and could become friends. Something she despritly needed more of. Now that Jason was only it only left maybe a handful of people. Jason, how she missed Jason. He hadent been gone for love but he was the bright spot to her day. As she thinks, her bring trys to tell her Jason left for a good reson and he would be back. How Katie wanted to believe that but she was scaired that he wouldent return. Trying to pushing that feeling away Katie sighs. "ok Jason. I'm trying to understand." She thinks. Zoning back in Katie remembers there are other peple in the room with her. Her cheeks turns a soft red.* "Sorry about that I got lost in thought for a moment." *As Katie listens to Jen and Kyle bicker ove her pic she cant help but giggle. How funny they sounded.* "Ok guys no cat fight in my room or I will be forced to call the nurse." *Katie quirks a grin.* "And about the pic one I dont need to be payed but if you bring me the items I need I can redo it and have it done by tomarrow when you pick me up." *Kaite smiles.* "So in other words, yes I will come tomarrow. I think it sounds like fun and I always like to help. I have a knack for helping those in need I guess you could say." *Katie looks to Jen and smiles.* "Dont worry I dont get scaired to easly. Back in Texas at my Aunts ranch alot crazyer things happen. You should see Wes he's a mess, and Clint, he likes to fight chairs. Ya see...its pritty crazy." *For the first time since Katie came to Navada she feels alittle bit home sick.*

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