

Slowly moving around the room when Ryder returned Thirteen was saying in everything she saw in the room. Some of the stuff she understood and new what it was, some she just guess, and other stuff she had no idea what it was for.

Hearing the door again Thirteen looks up a bit nervous at first her expression changes when she see Ryder. Though her eyes where still a tiny bit dull.

Slowly walking twords Ryder as he tells her to follow Thirteen cant help the sigh of releaf she lets out when hearing she wouldnt have to talk to Reese anymore.

"Just you and me."

She just repeats what Ryder said liking the ring it had. She wasnt sure why but on the inside it made her smile just a little.

Stopping outside the bathroom and taking the items from Ryder she just looks down at the for a moment.

Something in her eyes seem to light, very small but it was there non the less. A small spark, a twinkle like someone had just gave her a million dollars. Thirteen couldnt remember when the last time she had new clothing, even if they were hand me downs.

Giving a nod Thirteen slips into the bathroom and closes the door behind her.

The water goes on, and than after almost an hour the water once again goes off. Than a few more moments go by and finally the door opens again.

The shirt hug losly around Thirteen but it still seemed to fit in the right place and the jeans provided where long but seemed to hug the right spots non the less. The sent of the soap and shampoo bellow out of the bathroom as Thirteen steps out as her hair hung wetly around her face and shoulders looking more red than when it was dry or maybe it was just because the dust and dirt were no longer presente.

There was something new about her now, through the dirt, and grime was a woman.

Sseeing Ryder as she left the room, for the first time, she gave him a small smile her voice soft.

"Thank you."

Thirteen was still scaired, she was unsure, and felt clueless, but her shower had felt so good, and Ryders kindness help give her a little hope.

Mama, take this badge off of me
I don't need it anymore.
It's gettin' dark, too dark to see
I feel I'm knockin' on heaven's door.

Looking into Katie's room Nate slowly enters seeing Jason's sleeping form by Katie. He didnt want to wake him, but he wanted to give a silent prayer for his friend and just let her know he was there.

Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door
Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door
Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door
Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door

Moving over to the other side of the bed Nate moves quietly. Taking Katie's hand him his own. There was so much on his mind and his heart hurt for more than one reason.

He was told once before sometimes even if a person was in a coman they could still hear, and maybe even talking to Katie while she was a sleep would help her.

Mama, put my guns in the ground
I can't shoot them anymore.
That long black cloud is comin' down
I feel like I'm knockin' on heaven's door.

"Oh Katie, dont stay away to long. Laura needs you, and I need you to look out for her now. I love her so much Katie it hurts but I just dont know what else to do. It's so hard sometimes ya know, and the office just isnt the same. We miss you, come back to us huh?"

Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door
Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door
Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door
Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door

Exiting the hospetil Nate jingles his keys in his hand as he whipes the remaining tears from his eyes. Things were so messed up right now. There was so much pain, would there ever be a moment of peace for thoese who deserved it, even though who didnt see it. Would he ever have peace or was it always going to be like this for himself?

Looking up from her paper work as she walked past Reese office Angelica couldnt help but peek in saprised to still see him in the office.

Stoping and taking a few steps back she gives a small tap on the door giving him a small smile as she entered.

"You looked so deep in thought I hated to bother you, but you also looked like you could use a break from your own thoughts."

Sitting down in one of the chairs in front of Reese desk Angelice leans forward onto the front of the desk and throws Reese a smile.

Many people would think there relationship was strange or not even a relationship at all with what little time they spent with eachother outside of work. How ever for Reese and Angelica it seemed to work quite well.

"I was thinking Mike, maybe some popcorn and a movie would be a nice break for us both."

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