
In need

TJY seemes quiet. The hallways are clear… work is being done at desks and in quiet offices. But tension runs high. They were still on the hunt… Still on the search. Desperation grew. All cases had been put on hold except this one. Time was running out. And the only leads were those no one knew if they could trust. But the day was starting again, desks were filling up, and decisions to move forward had to be made.

Rick heads to the second interrogation room with breakfast for Scott, juggling the small try in one hand, and keys in the other. It didn't feel right coming here to find Scott... of all people to have been put in here...

Not surprised to see Dalton nearby, he gives him a nod, then fiddles with the keys, finding the right one to unlock the door. The light was off. “Scott?” He inches inside before reaching for the light switch. Glancing to the right, the blanket and pillow that had been provided were empty. “Scott?”

He sets the breakfast down on the table, then suddenly spots the young agent in the far corner. Scott was still curled up on his side, motionless. A chill runs down Rick’s spine and he moves closer. “Scott?” he asks again. Not receiving a response, he kneels next to Scott to tilt up his face. “Good land,” he breathes. Scott's blind eye was almost swollen shut an his lip still had a steady stream of blood flowing from it. The bruises were deep. He was curled up tightly, as if trying to protect himself from any more harm. “Scott… can you hear me?”

Scott swallows hard and manages a nod without opening his eyes. He hurt all over.

“What happened? Who did this?”

Scott only shakes his head, unwilling to talk.

Rick stands quickly and goes to the open door. His face was pale. “Dalton? I need you in here on the double. You've got to help me get Scott to the infirmary.”

Carson watches every single move Phinox makes.... his eyes, his breathing, his body language. Carson knew what it was like. He knew how the agency worked and how agents were trained to react in situation like this. He knew the tell-tale signs of an agent who was lying to save their hide... and Phinox didn't have them. But that didn't mean he would trust him completely.

Slowly, Carson withdraws his handgun, putting it back in its holster. Contemplating a moment, he turns to Nate. "I need to get back to my job of watching. You're leading this group though - it's up to you what we're going to let Phinox do."

Just then, Jason comes around the corner. He stops in his tracks, his eyes widening, then immediately turning to a glare. "You." He stalks towards Phinox, ready to take out his anger on the one man he knew was a traitor.

Carson is quicker though, and steps in between, holding Jason to the side. "Let it go, Jase."

"But he..."

"I said, let it go." Carson gives him a look of warning. "He's here for Katie this time. He's going to help us."

Jason continues to glare, now confused. He turns to Phinox with a look that could kill, before responding to Carson. "Who is he really?"

"Spanish secret service just like he said, but he's been in the Agency a few years."

"And you trust him?"

"Do you trust me?"

"That's different."


Jason relaxes enough that Carson doesn't have to hold him, bu he's still not happy. "Katie's life is on the line... and you're going to trust someone from the Agency. Oh that makes a whole lot of sense."

"We're not going to walk into a trap," Carson states flatly. "But what other leads do we have right now?"

Jason is silent. They had none. The last several hours had turned up absoultely nothing. Looking to Nate, he turns to leave. "Tell me what I'm supposed to do, once you figure it out." Spinning on his heel, he stalks back towards his office.

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