
Are you ok?

*Katie cringes as Con sounds like crap.*

"Hey Con its Kat. I hurd that you were sick and I just wanted to call to see how everything was and if you were gonna be ok. I was worryed about my Big Brother."

*Jamie is a bit saprised to hear that Con would be in today. He seems ok other than shocked yesterday.*

"Ok, if ya need me just yell. I'll be here all day. Than after work I'll stop by Con's to make sure he is ok for ya."

*As Jamie leaves Reese office doubt fills her mind. Maybe she did make a mistake yesterday. Maybe she shouldent have been so forword. Well it was to late now and if there was a price to pay for it so be it. At least Con new now. Jamie sits down at her desk and starts to type some stuff up trying to get her mind off Con.*

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