
*Katie frowns at the sound of Con.*

"Ok Big brother. Please sleep, take care and rest ok. I dont want you to get any sicker. A talent show is coming up to raise money at the hospetal and I was thinking of singing in it. I would want you to miss it now. Take care of yourself."

*Katie sighs and hangs up the phone. Poor Con he wasent normaly this disorented and he did sound like crap. Katie leans her head back for a moment and says a small prayer for him. As she opend them again a nurse is standing in front of her.*

"Sorry I dident mean to startle you. I just dident want to bother you. Its time for your therpy."

*Katie nods.*

*As the hours pass Katie finally makes it to her room. Today she spent an extra hour in her therapy and was very excited. She had taken 8 more steps today that she did yesterday. She was making excilent progress even the Doc said he was saprised at How well Katie was going espicly today. Something had lifted her sperits and gave her hope. Katie couldent wait till Jason got back. Remembering Con wanted Jason to bring some soup Katie calls his phone he needed weather he had said never mind or not.*

"Hey J, figured you wouldent answer your probley busy. But can you stop and bring Con some soup and cough drops? Thx Hun. see ya later."

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