

Mike smiles. “Well, I’m glad to have you here.”

“He’s so nice.” Kyle slings a casual arm around Mike’s shoulders, speaking to Katie. “He’s let this place become our second home.”

“Well in that case.” Mike hands him the spatula. “You’re going to help cook the burgers.”

Kyle’s jaw drops as Mike walks to the house to grab the meat. “Now how did I get roped into this?”

“It’s your mouth,” Jen retorts from the table.

Kyle tosses her a smirk. “Oh, nice.”

Jason eases down at the table, feeling so comfortable with these new friends, yet a small dread lingers for the discussion ahead. No one had questioned him yet – he was sure they were simply waiting for him to say when he wanted to talk. Should it be before or after the meal?

Jen looks over to Katie, beaming. “I’m so glad you could come today too. Jason’s great company, but…” She throws him a teasing glance.

“Hey…” Jason smirks at her. “Your brother is a bad influence on you.”

“Who said it isn’t the other way around?” She sticks her tongue out, giggling.

Jason can’t help but laugh, and shakes his head. He glances in Katie’s direction, trying to convey the question of whether they should broach the hard subject now to get it over with, or later, risking ending the evening poorly.

Con barely raises an eyebrow, hearing the female voice. “Jamie…what…” He would have resisted her help or at least have been overcome with embarrassment all over again, had he been more alert. But at this point, he was in no position to argue with anyone. He just lies lamely on the couch as the blankets are piled on, and the towel applied. The coolness feels so good…

As Jamie returns with the food, drink and pills, he hardly wants to move. When she walks away though, he makes the effort to down the pills with some water, and take about two swallows of soup. His throat feels like he’s swallowing sandpaper, and he winces, leaning back into the couch again, leaving the rest of the food untouched.

He can feel his body fighting for all its worth, but the sickness has too great a hold on him, and surges through his veins, insistent on running its course.

Con can feel his breathing start to grow slightly shallow, his pulse a little irregular. He’s so hot… He can hear Jamie’s voice…maybe…was she really even there? His mind begins to play tricks on him and he drifts further away from alertness. His eyes close again and he kicks off half the blankets. He feels as though he’s dreaming, but he’s not quite asleep…He forces his eyes open a crack, simply trying to gain a grasp on reality, but it's slipping awy.

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