

*Laying in bed Jamie cant help but replay tonights events in her mind. Everytime she thought of the kiss a smile spread across her face. It had been along time since Jamie had felt this way. Tomarrow was work for the both and as much as Jamie dident want to she new she would have to compose herself as to not embaress Con. Thats the last thing she wanted to do. Finally Jamie is able to fall asleep with a smile on her face unable to dream of anything but Con.*

*As Katie sits and make small talk with Jason a new wave washes over her. The feeling of a close friend and it felt good. Katie new that she could always tell Jason anything but now, now it felt like it was just easyer and now he would be able tot alk to her about anything as well.*

"Hey this food isent half bad. Its better than they stuff they semd up to the rooms anyways."

*After finishing and heading outside the night air is warm and feels good. Katie sighs contently. Coming up to Jason's bike Kaite's jaw drops. Wheeling herself alittle closer she runs her hand along the details and the metal.*

"Oh J."

*Katie looks from the bike to Jason back at the bike. A wave hit her that Jason probley looked pritty hott on the bike but as soon as the though came Katie tryed to push it out of her mind. Friend....only friends Kate.*

"I bet you look good on it J. It fits you well. I love it. I approve. Just be safe on it, and ya when I can I want a ride."

*Katie beams at Jason.*

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