

Jason feels like a hamster on an exercise wheel as he’s from one end of the floor to the other all morning. They had a lead on the Jackson case. Someone had been wrongly accused of assault and Hal was going in place of Con, but Jason had to get details. They had a lead on the case in the next county regarding the sheriff’s office. …Everything was happening at once it seemed.

As Jason is once more leaving his office, he hears his cell phone ring, but he leaves it be. He’ll check it later. Getting back in just a few minutes, he grabs several stacks of paper and his phone, turning right back around to head into the hall. As he walks, he listens to Katie’s message. He felt bad for Con – Jason couldn’t remember if he’d ever seen him sick. It was pretty unusual. But Reese was breathing down his neck to get all this stuff done before he left for the afternoon, not to mention he’d called Mike to set up a meeting with the band and he’d have to get things ready for that, along with Katie…

Walking back out onto the floor, Jason spies Jamie at her desk. He raises his eyebrows. Oh, now there was a possibility. Jamie and Con always got along, and she’d probably do a better job at getting whatever Con needed than Jason anyway.

Jason leans over her cubicle wall. “Hey, Jamie…you’d do a favor for your good buddies, wouldn’t you?” He holds up his phone. “Katie called…said Con needed a few things like soup and cough drops, but I’ve got a ton of stuff going on today. You wouldn’t happen to have just enough time to swing by his place and deliver a few things would you?”

He shakes his head. “Not only is Con built like a tank, but he’s got the immune system of a tank too, so he must’ve gotten a pretty good dose of whatever’s got him down. I’d make the time to go over there, but if you want to get out of here for a while anyway…?” He grins. “And besides that, I’m sure you know how to dote much better than me.”

Con tosses the broken glass into the trash can and stumbles back into the living room. His hand had stopped bleeding, but he didn’t bother to put anything on it, and the stain on his jeans would never come out.

He draws the curtains closed to darken the living room, and sinks back into the couch to lie down. His whole body ached, and he knew he had a fever along with the chills that were setting in. Not caring about what time it was, or anything he was supposed to get done today, he rolls onto his side and pulls a blanket up over himself. He wasn’t used to getting sick, making it all the more miserable as his worsening headache wasn’t helping matters much.

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