
The Morning

*Finally after a peaceful night sleep Katie's eyes can stay closed no longer. The sun was blasting in the window yelling at her to wake up. As she slowly opens her eyes she can see Jason shuffling about, giving alittle laugh.*

"No rest for the weary huh? Not even you Hotshot."

*Katie cant help but smile as she watches Jason get his stuff together. Though a bit of worry lingers in the back of Katie's mind about Con. He never was sick and if he was he never showed it. Something must really have to be wrong with Con to have him call off.*

"Well even though there is no rest have a good day ok, and I'll be waiting for you when you get out of work dressed and ready so if you want to go talk to Jetstream we can."

*Katie smiles at Jason the sunlight filling the room. Once Jason is gone Katie reaches over and picks up her cell phone dialing Con's number. She wanted to make sure he was ok. This wasent like him at all.*

*As Jamie pulls into TJY she is a bit nervouse about seeing Con but knows the day must go on at a normal day. As she enters TJY she scans the floor but dosent see Con. That was strange he was always there before there. Maybe he was just late today. Jamie heads to Reese office smiling as she walks though. Knocking on the door than entering*

"Hey Reese I just wanted to let you know I was here now and ask if there was anything important you needed me to do."

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