
No Shirt?

*Katie smiles at Kyle, her eyes twinkling. How she loved the way he joked around she had become to enjoy it. Though knowing what they had to talk to there nre friends was magor there wasent any doubt they would understand and accept them anyways.*

"Ya know J, if we keep hanging around with these guys we might get some good smart pointers on how to talk. Might get us in trouble."

*Katie lets out a laugh.*

"Hey is there anything I can help with? I'd like to do something."

*Katie throws Jason a glance mouthing fast wait till the food. As Katie wheels to try and help with something she looks over to Kyle who is standing with his back to her. Slowly she wheels up behind him bumping into him gently.*

"EXCUSE me sir but I think your in my way. There is not enough room for you to be sanding right there you need to move."

*Katie cant help but let her eyes linger on Kyles as she grins.*

*As Jamie comes back into the living room she see Con has tossed of the blankets again and he was still burning up. Seeing his shirt is driping in sweat Jamie helps Con up and thinking takes his shirt off, in a very inocent way Jamie helps Con lay back down. Going into the kitchen Jamie grabs 2 more towles and returns back to Con placing one on his head again, his neck and his chest. Puting the rest of the blankets over Con. Siting down next to him Jamie runs her hand along His face.*

"Rest for now Con."

*Standing Jamie brings the rest of the soup into the kitchen for later.*

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