
Wasent the same

*Jamie continues to smile at Con. She is happy that she finally let Con know how she felt. Even if he dident shair her feels. Her heart it felt, free. It was strange how she felt so comfortable with Con. Maybe it was because she new him for so long. Her eyes linger gazing deep into Con's.*

"Its ok Con, You had no idea cuz I dident want you to know till now. You dont need to say anything. Not now I understand."

* Jamies eye truly express she understands how Con feels at the moment and is willing to give him as much time as he needs. Turning Jamie heads back to her car alittle bounce in her step as she is still lightheaded from there kiss and the moment she just shaired with Con. Turning she calls back to him.*

"If ya need anything or just wanna hang out, let me know. You have my number Con."

*Jamie beams her eyes filled with light like the battle with her feels was gone and all that remaind was the love.*

*Katie cant help but beam as Jason helper her into her chair. She though looking at Jason as just a friend would be hard and feel strange but it dident at all. Katie was content with Jason desition.*

" I wonder whats for dinner tonight, my tummy is really growling now."

*Happyness, contentment, peace. All her new feelings she found and Jason was back, things were good. Truly this was part of God's bigger plane and the peace she was looking for. Katie feels a bit nervouse but excited to hear about Jason's new ride.*

"Oh...some new wheels huh? I'd like to see it when we are done."

*Katie lets a sad sigh escape as for a moment Katie thinks of her car. But as fast as it came it went again and she felt happy for Jason.*

" I cant wait to see it J. I'm glad your back. It wasent the same without you."

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