
A Single Whisper Of Love

*As Jamie listens to Con say sorry a feeling comes over her. No...Con couldent think he had done something wrong. These feeling inside her, they had been let free and could not be put back now. It was all or nothing. She had grown to love Con and there was no if and or but about it. He's been there for her though the past. He was her shoulder to cry on and they grew as friends from there till one day Jamie relized she did love him. There was no turning that back now. Slowly Jamie gets out of her car and comes upbehind Con. Strafing around him so she is in front to meet his eyes. It was dark out now and the only light on the darkroad was the moon and stars. They were there, now in the glory of god and his wonderful sky. Gently Jamie rubs her hand on the side of Con's face and down his neck till resting it on his shoulder. Looking Con dead in the eyes Jamie brings her lips close to Con's ear at she stands on her tip toes softly speeking.*

"Don't be sorry Con. I'm not. I cant turn back now and hold my feeling in. Its been to long I have. Its time to let them free, and its time for you to know. Con, I love you. I've loved you for a very long time now but opted to keep that feeling hidden away. I know you probley dont know what to say or what to feel, and thats ok. I wouldent exspect you to right away. But Con...I wanted you to know how I feel."

*Jamie breaths softly for a moment her lips lingering close to Con ear. Than slowly Jamie pulls herself away, her eyes never leaving Con's.*

*Katie smiles at Jason. It was a nice feeling for him to addmit he wanted her with him to tell the band. It would be nice to shair there story together. KAtie tummy grumbles making her relize she hasent eaten dinner. Katie laughs.*

"I guess I havent. Dident think about it till now. Thats also a silly question to ask Jason. OF corse I want you to eat with me. I couldent think of anyone better than my best bud J to eat with."

*Kaite beams at Jason.*

"If you can help me into my chair I'd like to go to the Cafe with you. I'm geting very sick and antcy of being in bed and this room."

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