

*As Katie receves Con's words she trys to muster up her best smile.*

"Yeah, I worked my magic and there they were."

*Katie lets out a sigh as she moved to the table and sets the flowers down. If anyone new something was wrong it would be Con. Katie didn't call him her big brother for nothing.

Glancing twords the door Katie looks for Jason but dosn't see him. Searching emotions she looks for Jason. Hearing his emotions Katie trys not to listen or pry but its hard when they are right there registering in her own mind. As she keeps listing and relizing he was geting into his truck Katie becomes a little more angry.

Why do you always have to run away.

The anger she new could show on her face as she tryed to calm herself. No one alse could hear her thought or understand why she was mad. But as she stood and listened her anger and hurt increased. Till finally without controll Katie slams her fist onto the table.

Darn it Jason, NO! You can't keep running.

Turning around Katie heads outside Mom and Pop's again Katie see Jason's car pulling out of the parking space and heading to the entrince. Moving quickly Katie makes her way across the parking lot and than breaks into a run getting to the entrince and right befor Jason's truck does she stands in the way blocking the exit. Putting her hands on the hood she leans on the truck stairing at Jason through the window eye to eye.

No! Not this time J, I won't let you go.*

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