

Con eyes Katie a moment, seeing something on her face that said all was not right. But…what was it?

Suddenly as Katie slams her fist into the table, all eyes shoot up in her direction, the chatter coming to a screeching halt.

Con instinctively gets to his feet, the concern in his eyes. “Kat, what’s…” Too late, she was already gone.

Those around the table exchange glances. “What on earth was that about?” Phil questions.

Jen shakes her head with worry. “I don’t know.”

“Where’s Jason?” Mike asks.

Con looks around. “Still outside.”

Jen looks around at the others for a moment, then forces a smile to the surface. She didn’t know what was going on, but it was obviously not their business, nor should it be discussed here. “So are we just leaving the rest of this pizza here or what?”

“No way!” Max grabs another slice. “This is too good to waste!”

Axel returns to the table, feeling eyes on him, but doesn’t turn around. Grabbing his chair again, he sinks down, eyeing the front door. Interesting.

“Yo, what took you so long?”

Axel looks up to Logan without missing a beat. “You don’t want to know.”

Logan points at him. “I told you you shouldn’t have had that chilidog at the airport.”

Axel rolls his eyes and leans back, tilting his chair on its back legs. “And you have no sense of table manners.”

Carson glances to Jess and shrugs, giving a little sigh. "I have no idea what that was all about. Strange bloke..."

Jason tries to ignore Katie’s feelings he receives, and is just ready to pull out of the parking lot, when suddenly he spots Katie blocking the path. Slamming on the brakes, anger surfaces for her move, not only because she came after him, but because she’d startled him.

Throwing the truck in park but leaving it running, Jason gets out, slamming the driver’s side door. His head hurt, his sugar was low, his knee was throbbing, his gut was in knots and his emotions were running rampant, trying to get the best of him while in this vulnerable position.

Dang it, Katie!

He sets his hands on his hips. “I’ll run if I darn well please. Now I let you in because you pushed me. I let you see more than I should have because you wouldn’t let it go. Why can’t you just leave well enough alone and see that I’m trying not to get both of us hurt?!”

Jason’s eyes blaze with an anger brought on by so much more than what his emotions were telling him. He wasn’t feeling well, and that just added to it. Words slipped out without him thinking.

“Now quit trying to get yourself run over and let me go!”

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