
Do you?

Knowing Katie was there…feeling her so close to him is like a healing agent in itself. Jason just lies still for several moments, trying to get over the nightmare he’d just had…trying to wash the images from his mind. It simply never got any easier no matter how many times this happened.

Jason’s hand moves to reach down, feeling Katie at his side. His fingers rest on her arm as she speaks to him, and he blinks back more tears. His grip tightens just a little without him even realizing it.

Does it hurt you when I go through this? Do you see my flashbacks too, or my dreams? Or do you only sense my emotions?

Carson stuffs his hands in his jacket pockets as he and Jess walk. “Oh…don’t thank me. I need the exercise anyway.” There was more truth in that statement than he’d like to admit. Tomorrow though, he would start tackling that area at least.

He glances up to the clear, cool sky, seeing all the stars. “I remember lying on the beach,” he muses. “…counting stars at night…hearing the surf…” He sighs a little, bringing himself back. “Glad you stopped by tonight. Guess it was a little busier than expected.”

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