
Gone Tomarrow

*As the shouting in the mess hall continues, most everyone is now watching what is going on as the yelling continues. Everyones nerves uptight now.*

*Rosetta's blood boils now now than ever.* "Maybe it was wrong for me to have to come here Katie. Into this all. Maybe you never were ment to be here."

*As Katie listens to Rosetta her eyes begin to get fuzzy.* "Your right Aunt Rosetta maybe I shouldent have. Maybe I should just leave. And you always tryed to say you were my friend. Now I see what you think of me."

*After hearing enough of everything going on and relizing words are being mistaken Wes stands up.* "Ok guys, we are all tired and upset. How about we cool down and get some sleep. Than we can talk more tomarrow."

*Katie glances at Wes.* "Sorry Wes, but I dont think I can ever forget the words I just hurd here. I'm going to bed. Maybe when you wake up Rosetta your burden will be gone." *Katie turns and walks out of the bunk house. Her eyes still fuzzy with tears.*

*Rosetta eyes widen.* "Katie thats not what I...." *Rosetta is greeted by the slam of the door. Looking at Jason than Mick and back to Jason Rosetta finishes her sentince.* "thats not what I ment. It came out wrong."

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