
Into evening

Reese gives Katie a little smirk. “When will you learn that I know good and well what your capabilities are? Don’t forget I’m the one who hired you on as a bodyguard. And were I to insist that someone accompany you, it would have nothing whatsoever to do with how much I trust you. If I thought Jason – one of my best men – needed a bodyguard, what’s stopping me from wanting someone to watch your back at Scott’s?”

He pauses and shakes his head. “But I won’t insist that, because I’m pretty sure it’s safe. So go at it. But be quick about it.”

Jason sighs deeply and finally picks up his phone. He knew it would be good for him, and he couldn’t leave the guys hanging in limbo indefinitely. “Hey, Mike.”

Jason? …Jason!”

Jason can’t help a grin. “Yeah.”

Well, I’ll be. This is awesome! Phil said you were out. How you doing?

“Oh…just…trying to settle back in I guess.”

I bet. Well hey, Kyle’s ancy about getting everyone together for a little shindig or something, so when you’re feeling up to it, let us know.”

Jason wishes he felt up to it now. “Sure. Um…Con said you had my bike.”

Yep. She’s just fine. Kyle’s been out a few times to fire her up and keep the motor cleaned out. She’s in the garage just waiting for ya.”

“Well thanks for holding it for me.” Jason really was grateful. “If I get a ride, I might swing on by tonight if that’s alright.”

Sure! Kyle and Phil will be here for practice if you wanna stick around for a while too.”

Jason wasn’t convinced he’d want to, but he wasn’t going to start off by turning them down right off the bat. “Okay. We’ll see what happens.”

Great. See you later then.

“Yep. Thanks, Mike.” Jason hangs up. He didn’t know how he’d get out to Mike’s, but getting his bike back would at least give him more freedom than he had now.

Jeff grows a little grim. “Mick can take care of himself, but there’s something said for being safe than sorry, so I’m gonna grab Sparky and he and I will just take a quick jaunt over to Jerry’s, okay?” He turns to leave, calling over his shoulder. “Don’t worry about a thing. I’m sure it’s nothing. We’ll be back in a jiffy.”

…And hour later, Rosetta’s phone rings. “Hey, Sis, listen…” his voice is strained. “Sparky and I found Mick’s truck and trailer about halfway to Jerry’s. There’s a car in the ditch too. I don’t know if the two are related or not, but Mick’s no where to be seen. His phone is in his truck. We’ve looked all around and there’s no trace of him. He hadn’t been to Jerry’s yet either.”

Not allowing too much time for speculation, he keeps going. “We’re heading into town to check things out, and are gonna scan some of these roads out here before we go jumping to conclusions. So for now, just sit tight.”

Scott wakes up from yet another nap, wanting to just get up and walk around for anything other than lying here, but it still hurt too much to even sit up, let alone get all the way out of bed. It was starting to get about supper time…Domino was getting restless…if only he could just go home. He hadn’t heard from Katie yet, and hoped she was alright as well.

Wyatt leaves work a little early to go home and get ready for the evening. He had just enough time to shower, get changed and make it to the theater at seven to meet Aerith.

He ends up arriving just a little early, and waits in his car.

Jeff and Sparky pull into the drive, much later than planned. Both head straight for Rosetta’s, grabbing Austin on their way. Arriving, they break the grim news. “We couldn’t find him.” Sparky look between Austin and Rosetta. “I think it’s foul play.”

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