
Now what

*Katie exits TJY and heads to Scotts. Arriving Katie takes caution even though she and everyone alse figured it would be safe. Opening the door Katie steps inside and just listens for along while. Finally making sure everything is safe Katie goes to the desk and looks for Scotts folders, and than to the stacks of magazeans. Coming up empty handed Katie grabs some stuff for Scott and heads out again making her way back to TJY. Once in the parking lot Katie sits for a long while. Her mind was so full she just wanted to let it all out and think through things. But right now she couldent. Katie grew frustrated but tryed to keep her cool soon this all would end and she could get back to straghting her own thoughts out. Geting out of the car Katie heads inside to TJY and to the infermary knocking and entering alittle.*

"Hey Scotty. I got you some stuff to read."

*Katie holds her hand up for Scott to see.*

"And...the files were gone."

*Rosetta flops down in one of the chairs having already put BJ to bed. A cry caught in her throt as the tears start in her eyes.*

"No this cant be happing. Please..."

*Rosetta puts her face in her hands not being able to think. Everything seemed so perfect and now it was geting messed up once again. Lifting her head her eyes blood shot she asks.*

"So now what?"

*Aerith pulls into the movie theater parking lot hoping she was in the right place. Seeing Wyatt she smiles as she gets out. Throwing a wave to Wyatt.*

"Hey Wyatt. Sorry I am alittle late. Grandmother wanted me to do some last minute stuff for her. How are you tonight? and what are we going to see anyways..hah"

*Aerith walks up along side of Wyatt beaming.*

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