
Special Treatment

*Misty stays close to Carson once in the cell. She had been in trouble before but never behind bars. This was something she dident like, and for the second time in her life in the same day non the less she was scaired. Listing to her uncle, hearing her punishment and than Carson's she knows its not fair as she stands to leave she stands as well.*

"With all due respect Uncle, what happens to Carson should happen to me as well. I acted on my own free will. Carson dident convince me, threaten me, cokes me, or manipulate me. I got him out of jail from my free will. I new it was wrong and I did it anyways because I believed in helping his sister. I should be treated just like he is. If he no longer has a job than neather do I...."

*Nate's eye widen slightly. Such lolty from someone so young was amazing. Misty was an amazing woman indeed and Carson was luck. Nate still talks though leting Misty truly know what she was doing, and forcing her to think first.*

"Misty, think about what your say your giving up your job!"

*Misty looks past Reese at Nate.*

"So be it than, I can find a another job somepleace asle. I would rather do that than to know I was being treated differntly because my Uncle runs TJY."

*Misty turns her gaze back to Reese. She was sorry, she was hurt but she new it was right. She shouldent get special treatment. Sitting back down next to Carson she takes his hand in her.*

*Nate lets out a sigh and nods to Reese. After Misty was done talking.*

"Sure thing Boss."

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