
Happy times

*Lockheart pulls her car into the TJY parking lot her car packed with boxs for her new office. Reese new she would be showing up today but he wasent sure what time. Geting out of her car she locks the door and heads into TJY to find Reese and make sure it was ok to start moving things in. Not to mention it would be nice to see him again*

*Nate looks up from his cubicle hearing the knock. Standing he offers his own hand to Carson in a strong shake. Nate really was sad to see him go.*

"You bet, dont be a stranger ok? It gonna be strange around here without you. Take care of youself and if you need anything call. You might not be here everyday but that dosent mean I still wont stick my neck out for ya."

*Nate gives a grin as he draws his hand away and gives alittle nod.*

"Keep that girl of yours out of trouble too would ya?!"

*Katie looks up and gives a wave to Jason puting some papers down at her desk and walking over to Jason.*

"Morning! You look like your geting use to those things alittle bit better now. I told you, you would in no time."

*Katie still cant help her smile. It had been pasted on her face all last week and now this week to.*

"How are you feeling J?"

*As Bret sits down at the counter something goes flying over his shouldent and lands at the counter heads up. For a few moments everything is silent until a finally a grin spreads across the face of someone who was not exspected to be there. A flirty voice speaking hope to bring a smile to a face that needed it.*

"And what did I tell you about wallowing?"

*Charlotte stands behind Bret her hands on her hips and her deep brown eyes showing life.*

*Frankie sits at the small table that was set up. His finger taping on the table.*

"Morgan would you sit down. I cant think with you yap moving. And we were waiting because we cant exacly grab Misty while Carson was staying at her hour now could we?"

*Frankie plays over differnt scenes in his mind. Working things and trying to figure would the next moves.*

"Lastnight Carson went home. So my conclution is tonight he'll go home as well. So, tonight is when we strike. So make sure your ready, I already know she can put up a pretty good fight. She always could."

*Frankie rubs his jaw as her mouth curls into a grin and a deep laugh comes from his mouth.*

*Wes pokes his head out of the bathroom door.*

"Left overs is good. You know I like it the second time around as well as the first."

*Wes disapears back into the bathroom again for a few moment only to emerge again dress. Making his way into the kitchen she stands in the doorway watching Cindy. A smile coming to his face. Just watching Cindy she was so pretty to start with and now seeing her with her belly sticking out, knowing she had another life growing inside of her she was every prettyer.

Coming up next to her Wes wraps an arm around her shoulers and places his other hand on her belly.*

"Your so pretty, and I love you SO much."

*Wes leans down and tilts Cindy's face upward to give her a kiss. His hand going from her belly to the side of her face caressing it for a long moment as there kissed continued. Finally pulling away Wes beams.*

"How did I become so lucky?"

*Now that Cindy was farther along in her pregnincy Wes took most days as half days leaving the shop in the hands on Clint, with Wendy doing the office paper work. He made trips back to the ranch here and there to check on everything but never stayed to long after working the whole morning. He new Clint was doing well as he offten watched his nephew, and new he was making the right desitions and when he did have a problem, or wasent sure about something he never hesatated to as for help. Clint had grown so much she was so proud of him.*

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