
Don't accuse

Reese pauses on his route as Misty speaks, and turns around one more time, looking through the bars at her. His voice is stern.

“If you want to leave TJY, I cannot stop you, even though I would sorely disappointed to see you go. But don’t you ever accuse me of giving anyone special treatment. You may be my niece, but your punishment was what I deemed appropriate. As for Carson, he was the one involved in illegal activities before breaking jail, not you.” He looks Misty in the eye. “And that was his decision, not yours. Special treatment? If anyone is receiving it, it’s him, not you, just remember that.”

Without waiting for a response, Reese turns on his heel and walks out.

Carson glances out to Nate, then back to Misty. “He’s right,” he comments quietly. “Don’t throw your job away. Don’t punish me more by making me watch you turn your back on what you got going.”

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