

*As Katie enters the kitchen and see the broken pitcher and lemonaid on the ground her hurrys over to Scott making sure he is ok.*

"Scotty sit let me clean this up and make some mor for you. Than see if I can find us something to eat."

*Before Scott even says anything Katie can see the look in his eyes that he hated being waited on.*

"Please Scott let me do this for you. I want to do this."

*Grabing the paper towles Katie bends down to clean up the mess. She really did want to help Scott right now. If helped her feel better for what happend to him not to mention it kept her mind off stuff as she tryed to block out Jason's anger that was still raging. Katie had alot of thinking she needed to do. The furture was going to change on way or the other and is scaired her.

Within minutes Katie has the mess cleaned up and a new pitcher of lemonaid made with help from Scott filling her in where everything is. Katie pours a glass for herself than Scott. Next moving to fix some sandwitches.*

"I know your probley not hungry and its gonna hurt to eat. But just try to eat alittle bit. You need your strength."

*Katie also fixes some food For Domino who was waiting at her feet.*

*Harb looks up from the kitchen and comes out and over to Wyatt. The look alone on his face told the story and than seeing the blood Herb nods not having to say much of anything.*

"Let me grab my keys and let Mable know."

*Herb disapears into the backroom as Aerith comes out seeing Wyatt a smile comes to her face. Walking over to Wyatt she leans on the counter.*

"I was starting to think you wernt going to come after all. I'm glad you did."

*Aerith leans her hand in to giv Wyatt's arm a pat than withdraw it seeing blood on her fingertip. Aerith sences highten as she now sees the look of pain in Wyatts eyes.*

"Wyatt, your hurt. What happend? Whats wrong?"

*Jamie lets out a sigh and nods even though no one can see her.*

"Ya thats fine as long as I get to see you. I'll head on over now. See ya soon Con."

*Within moment Jamie it out of TJY and at Con's entering and calling to see if he was there.*

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