

*Jason's words along with his anger stab Katie in the heart and twist her own tummy in knots. Jason's anger was like none Katie had ever seen before. Katie was sad, hurt in pain.*

"I dident leave you in the dust Jason and I ment everything I promised. You started to push me away, lock my out and I felt alone. Scott was there just being a friend. Ya we did kiss Jason, and for that I am sorry. But I am not sorry that I made a new friendship with someone."

*Katie's own hurt and anger mix into one not knowing what is what anymore.*

"I wanted for you Jason, and when you got back home I was happy. I was going to tell Scott you were the one I wanted to be with because I still saw the hope of the J i new and than I was going to come and talk to you. but I'm not sure anymore. After yesterday and now today, I just dont know anymore."

*Katie's head feels like it is going to explode. She needed to get out of there, pain, sorrow, anger she had to go before she snaped. Throwing the candy bar at Jason's feet Katie turns.*

"Dont be stupid again. Shut up and eat that."

*Katie makes her way out of the recroom and head up the steps. Before making her way to Scott cubicle Katie stops by the infermary and pokes her head in.*

"Rick if you dair tango with the monster down stairs make sure he eats something his sugar is geting dangerusly low. Make sure you bring Carson or someone with you. I'm taking Scott home if anyone asks."

*Katie exits and heads over to Scott.*

"Come on Scotty lets get you home."

*Katie trys to mask her own emotions for Scott's sake her eyes are the only thing that cant lie. Still feeling Jason's anger Katie trys to block it out as she slings Scott's arm over her shoulder. Using her strength she helps him out the door and to her car taking it slowly. Finally in a situated Katie heads out of the driveway and to Scott's house.*

"Do you need anything for the pain Scott before we get to your place?"

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