

*As Katie hears Scott's voice and feels the warmth of his hand Katie's lungs open up as she finally is able to gasp for air she had forgoten to breath in the last few moments. Slowly Katie pulls herself up leaning aganst Scott. Her mind still tormented by what happend,but starting to clear. As before the soft light starts to glow slowly chasing away the shadows. In a horse whisper Katie speaks.*

"Jason...I...He...It was my fault."

*Turning her werry face to Scott she can see the consern in his eyes. Feeling a bit of embaressment Katie turns her head again wondering how many people had hurd what had happend.*

"I'll...be ok Scott...thank you. Please, can...can you just help me to my desk? I dont feel so hott."

*Katie starts to try and stand but wobbles alittle still left feeling weak and exsausted from what happend. Her face slowly regaining color but under her eyes still dark.*

*Mable looks up from sweaping and shakes her head at Wyatt.*

"Its ok Hun, Dont worry about it. This hasent been the first fight and I am sure it wont be the last. Just let that girl fix ya up."

*Mable gives a wink and smiles. She couldent help but notice the way Aerith looked at Wyatt.

Seeing the look on Mable's face Herb shakes his head and cant help but smile.*

"Mable leave them alone and help me with this table."

*Aerith cant help but give a giggle at Herb and Mable before turning her attachen back to Wyatt. She liked them all ready. Puting the cloth down Aerith brings her one hand to her wrist where it was already starting to bruse and welt from where she was grabbed with force.*

"Yes I'm ok. Just a bit shaken is all. If you wernt there Wyatt I dont know what I would of done. So thank you again."

*Leaning in Aerith gives Wyatt a small thank you kiss on the cheek. Siting down on the stool across from him she lets out a sigh.*

"So I guess I owe you now. Maybe we can go to a movie, or dinner, or something. I'd say I would save you but I think think I would need to."

*Aerith gives alittle grin.*

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