

Scott braces himself for the painful walk inside, and is grateful for Katie, even though he feels helpless.

His rented house isn't big, with two small bedrooms, living room, tiny bathroom and kitchen, but it's sufficient for one or two people. A bay window at the back of the living room looks out to a small backyard, and other windows help create a light atmosphere. The interior wasn't messy, though some clutter resided in corners with stacks of magazines, computers that were being fixed or built, and various cameras. Several vivid photographs of nature hang on the wall - examples of some of Scott's handiwork. A few dog toys were scattered about, signaling what kept Domino occupied while her master was away.

Getting settled on the couch, Scott leans his head back and closes his eyes for a moment or two, just trying to relax. He couldn't remember a time he'd been in this much pain before.

He was glad Katie was here, though not ever having her over to his house before did create a little bit of awkwardness. It didn't seem that bad though...he'd never been uncomfortable around her.

Domino gives a few short barks, putting her front paws up on Scott's knee. Scott opens his eyes and looks at her, then glances to Katie. "Would you mind taking her out? Her leash is by the door."

Once alone, Scott pulls himself up off the couch and gingerly makes it to the small kitchen. Glancing in the fridge, he sees he has enough stuff for sandwiches. He's not hungry, but maybe Katie is. Spying his pitcher of lemonade, he realizes just how thirsty he is, and reaches for it. Not even thinking, he reaches in with his fractured wrist. As soon as he lifts, the pain shoots up his arm and he lets go.

The pitcher falls. Lemonade goes everywhere.

Letting the door fall shut, Scott just leans back against the counter in defeat, staring at the mess on the tiled floor.

He hears the front door open and shut again and Domino appears on the scene. She sniffs at the floor for a moment, then demonstrates that she's more than happy to help clean up as she tastes the sweet mess. Scott rolls her eyes and tries to shoo her away. "Domino, no..." He turns around to grab for some paper towels. What else could go wrong today? Everything was turning out to be a disaster.

Wyatt makes his way back through the alley towards his jeep, trying to go unseen by the authorities on the other side of the block. He'd prevented an assassination all right - but he'd taken a bullet to the shoulder in the meantime.

Pressing his hand to the wound, he manages to get into his jeep and start out of town. The assassin was in custody already and his job was done.

The ride back to TJY never seemed longer - all Wyatt wants to do is get in to see Rick.

As he's getting into town, his jeep suddenly backfires. "Oh, no..come on, baby..." Wyatt tries is best to get his jeep through town, but it peters out on him just as he's turned a block in town. Steering to the side of the street, he stops. Now what? He had no phone. No one knew where he was. It was early afternoon....

Glancing down the street, it's fairly quiet. He grabs his jacket from the backseat even though it's a warm day, and slings it over his shoulder to hide the blood. There were only two people he could trust.

Making his way as quickly as he can, despite his dwindling energy, Wyatt gets himself on foot to Mom and Pops. Entering quietly, he sees they're not very busy, and is glad of it. He's quick to go to the counter and get Herb's attention. "I need your help, Herb." He lifts his jacket to reveal the wound. "I gotta get to TJY but my jeep quit on me."

Con answers his cell phone just as he's ready to get in his car. "Hey, Jamie... Um... yeah... we can still do lunch... listen, um..." He thinks for a moment. He'd just gotten off the phone with Carson. Things weren't good. "I gotta pack up Jason's things for him and need to do it right away...instead of going out, you want to come over to my place? That way I can get that taken care of before I have to go back to work and we can still spend time together. I know it's not what you were hoping for..."

Jason leans his elbows on his knees, resting his forehead on his hands. By the time Carson had gotten him to his apartment and up two flights of stairs, the sugar had brought him back to reality. But he almost wished it hadn't.

Carson crosses his arms and looks at Jason, having just received the story. "You're being stupid, Jason."

"Thanks - I really needed to hear that." Jason lifts his head to look at him. "I think I'd already figured that one out when I realized I'd trusted Katie."

"That's not what I mean and you know it," Carson snaps back. "Beating up the guy who stole your girlfriend isn't going to get her back."

"So I just lost it."

"You did that alright." Carson nods. "You lost your temper, lost your head, and probably lost a couple friends in the process, not to mention you might have lost your job, though knowing Reese, he'll let you back in."

Jason scoffs. "Like you should talk."

"I've been there, Hotshot." Carson moves closer. "That gives me the right to point out that you're going in the wrong direction. You think I don't know what it feels like to be angry? You think I don't know what it feels like to be betrayed? To feel like a fool? Yeah, I've made mistakes and I've made a lot of 'em - there's not one I don't regret. But there comes a point when picking yourself up and being a man about it is better than acting like a five-year-old with a temper tantrum."

Carson's stern look bores into Jason's eyes as two steel stares meet. "I know you're hurting like mad, but beating somebody up solves nothing. You need to cool off. If it takes staying away from your friends for a while, so be it. I'll let you stay here - I got a spare room and I could use someone to help with rent."

"Well you already called Con."

"I didn't want to see you two getting into it," Carson states flatly. "And with the shape you're in, I wouldn't put it past you to start a fight with that tank, but I dare say if he fought back you'd be on the losing end." He shakes his head and starts for the door. "I have to go back to work. I know this isn't easy for you trying to get back into your old life, but stop trying to adjust all in one hour. So things have changed. Move on before you hurt somebody else."

Jason is left in silence. Carson made it all seem so easy, when in reality this was harder than almost anything Jason had faced yet. He was at war with himself, and it was the most dangerous of battles. His thoughts wander to and fro without anything to hold them back. His mind keeps bringing back Katie... He was so angry...so hurt... but there was nothing he could do. He knew his actions had been stupid. He might have even had another chance with Katie if he hadn't gone and beat up Scott. But now...Jason could feel the end coming, and he didn't want to face it. Maybe this whole thing was his fault anyway, but that didn't take away the pain. He wasn't used to being on the losing team.

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