

Jason says no more, combatting Katie's words with nothing but a wall. He felt like a total fool, and that was never a good feeling.

The candy bar at his feet goes ignored as Katie walks away, and Jason makes no move. As far as he was concerned, he could just sit there and rot. Prison had been better than this.

Rick raises his eyebrows at Katie, and nods. "I'll take care of him. Thanks for taking Scott home - I didn't think he should go alone."

After Katie leaves, Carson is still in the infirmary, and looks to Rick without needing to be asked. "Yeah, I'm right behind you."

Reaching downstairs, both men find Jason starting to lose a sense of reality. Rick is quick to force sugar down him, and sighs with disgust. "You're an idiot, Jason, do you know that?"

"Oh yeah." Jason forces a sarcastic laugh. "I've been an idiot since I was born and I've paid for it ever since."

Carson shakes his head and reaches down to pull Jason to his feet. "You're coming with me."

"Just let me go."

Carson is relieved that most of Jason's strength is gone, and it's easy to manhandle him. "Nope. You're going home."

"I don't want to go home," Jason growls, putting his weight on Carson just so he can stand. "Con can keep his apartment to himself."

"Well what are you going to do then?"

"I don't know!"

Carson rolls his eyes. "Then you're coming to my place."

Scott shakes his head, not wanting to talk much because it hurt, but managing a few words. "I'm sorry, Katie...I shouldn't have gotten involved with you...this is all my fault." He wanted to ask if she knew what the future was...he wanted to know if he still had a chance...but he doesn't...not now...it wasn't the time.

He shakes his head at her question. "Just take me home..." He keeps his gaze out the window. "It's the little gray house on 17th street."

Once there, Scott starts to get out himself, but winces. "I'm gonna need just as little help." By the look on his face, it's obvious that he hates asking, but he's not so sure he can make it up the porch steps on his own at this point.

Wyatt glances at his watch as he drives down the road. He needed to call Aerith. Fishing for his phone, he lets out a groan at himself. He'd left his phone at work. Well...he'd just have to apologize later.

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