

Katie’s cry reaches Scott’s ears like an alarm going off. Immediately on his feet, he exits his cubicle to jog down between spaces until he spots Katie around the corner, lying on the floor. His heart skips a beat.

“Katie!” Approaching with haste, he slides to his knees next to her. His face pales with concern, not knowing what has happened, and he lays a hand on her arm. “Katie, what’s wrong? Are you hurt?”

Jason’s head shoots up at the sound of Katie’s scream. Not putting two and two together yet, he’s quick to exit the breakroom and jog down the hall. Hitting the main floor though, he stops. Seeing Katie on the floor, he now knows good and well what’s just happened. He had intentionally tried to hurt her, and had succeeded.

Shame collides with his anger. He starts forward again, but stops a second time as Scott arrives on the scene first.

Scott feels someone’s eyes, and looks up in time to see Jason. Locking eyes, it suddenly hits him that something may have gone haywire with the emotional connection, and it could only mean Jason was at fault. And it doesn’t make Scott happy.

His look turns into a glare before turning his attention back to Katie, ignoring Jason altogether.

Jason receives Scott’s glare like a kick to the gut. The shame and anger increase. He wants to go to Katie and try and fix what he’d just done, but apparently she already had help. Maybe he couldn’t help anyway…maybe he just wasn’t capable of doing anything right anymore.

Frustrated, he spins on his heel and stalks back to his office.

Just a little dazed, Wyatt numbly accepts help from Aerith, wincing a little as she cleans his face. He licks the split in his lip as the bleeding slows and looks at her for just a moment, for the first time, noticing the depths of her blue eyes.

Glancing away, he ignores her comment and looks to Herb and Mabel. “Sorry…I’ll help clean up the mess as soon as I catch my breath.”

He lowers the ice from his head and looks back to Aerith. “You alright?”

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