
You should know

Going back to her desk Katie sits down with a huf leaning her head down on her desk before siting up again and pulling some papers to her. She was going to try and keep her mind busy. Maybe if she did when the drug kicked in she would be ok.

The time ticks by and Katie works as the drug slowly takes its affects. Katie's eyes start to go fuzzy as she closes them trying to focus again her head starting to throb. Knowing what was coming Katie wanted to stand but couldnt. She new she was at TJY but her head spun, smells, sounds it all came crashing back.

Giving a little shake Katie can feel the tears that formed in her eyes again. She wanted to cry she wanted to scream again...she just wanted to get away. Closing her eyes Katie clears the memories thought she knows they are still knocking on the door. She had to get out of here, go home, yes...home.

Gathering her things together Katie dosnt let anyone know she is going. No one could see her like this. She was upset and hurting for more than one reason and her mind was being tourchered as the silence took over. Katie didnt want to have to explain she just wanted to get away. Jason wouldnt understand so what would be the point of telling him.

Exiting TJY Katie takes in a deep breath of air seeing if it would help and it did just a little. Maybe at least it would help so she could get home in one peace.

Finally making it home Katie enters the house and just leans aganst the door. Figuring Thirteen and Ryder were probley on there way to TJY she didnt worry about it. Seeing her wallet and the bottle of pills on the little table Katie just leans her head back. Her mind was her own, yet at the same time it wasnt. Katie didnt know what to do.

Answering the phone and hearing Reese request Hope thinks for a long moment as the papers in front of her she read. They were from a lawyer and summoned her to court. She hadent exspected this to happen but it did and though she didnt know how or what was going to happen she still wanted to help Reese. Though it takes a moment to reply to Reese when Hope finally does her voice was a little differnt this time around.

"Yes of course I would love to do that for the Elite. Though I should come in and talk to you. Some problems I guess you could say have come up and before I do anything for you I think you should know. If things go badly for me, I dont want it to bring you guys down too. So if we could set up a time to talk before the end of next week that would be great."

Letting out a tiny sigh and holding the letter still Hope cant help but read the same line over and over again. She was being investigated and put before the court for an indecent relationship with a pashent. Only one person came to mind though she still was a big confused. She never started getting closer to Scott untill after he wasn't a pashent anymore. Who and why would someone do this? It confused her but it was happening...and she could now lose everything.

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