

*Jess can't help the smile that spreads across her face slowly. A smile that her face had lacked for a long while, as she felt a confidence she hadn't ever before. A strange feeling churns in her stomach and unexpected but good feeling.

As if time stops Jess only see Carson as everything alse around her fades away. And Jess almost feels her actions are not her own as she takes a chance with a quivering hand.*

"So we both have something alse in common than, but even the dreamless shadows confined to a darkness of there own mind have beauty in them."

*Jess brings a hand to the side of Carson's face as her thumb runs across his cheekbone as her finger still trembles slightly.*

"And disappointment is sometimes a risk the beholder is willing to take, but let them make that decision, don't make it for them."

*Jess voice almost drops off into a whisper, a soft tone that drifts through the air.*

"Who is the real Carson Banks? I'd like to take that risk and get to know him."

*Jess leans forward as her pulse starts to race. Her breathing quacking slightly, as her lips press to Carson's for a moment only to withdraw and than return in the other direction once again for more.*

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