

Scott is a little surprised by Katie's worry, but he rises to his feet, returning her hug. "Well seeing as though Reese has never put me in the field before, I guess I'm not a hundred percent, but I don't see I have much of a choice. And I'm not talking about a direct order."

He steps back so he can see Katie's face, his hands resting on her shoulders. "Too many lives are being ruined by this guy. I've been given a prime opportunity to help take him and his men down - I can't pass that up. Reese chose me for a reason - it's gonna take some hefty hacking and he trusts me. He wants you outside watching my back."

He grins and cocks his head. "Quit worrying. We pull up, I sneak through the window, get on the computer, work my magic and get out again. Sources even says there shouldn't be anyone around, so the house will be all mine."

A chuckle escapes. "And how could I not want to take the opportunity to dress in black?"

Giving Katie another quick but firm hug, he lets her go. "Get going. I'll be with you guys in a few minutes."

After she leaves his office, Scott sinks down in his chair and looks at his computer screen. He'd been more confident with her than he really was... It wasn't that the whole idea bothered him...he'd gone through some basic training when he'd taken this job. It was just something...didn't feel right.

Glancing to the small safe beside his desk, Scott thinks for a moment. It had just been a week before that he'd come up with the notion of adding something to the disc that was inside. Coincidence?

Shaking off his weird feelings, he gets back up from his desk to get ready.

On schedule, everyone is out back in the garage, loading into the van. Reese is behind the steering wheel, checking off supplies and making sure all the mics work. "Katie, you read me? Nate? Jase? Scott?"

Receiving nods, he switches to the radio. "Hal, you alive?"

"Alive and ready. Got you in my sites. Give me more on the camera."

Reese leans to the camera on the dashboard and makes a few adjustments.


Reese looks to his side where Jason was riding shotgun, then to the back with the others. "Alright guys. You know the drill. Keep it cool, keep it low."

A chuckle can be heard from the kitchen as Carson finishes up the food he was preparing, before he comes out to the counter. Leaning his hands on it, he gives Jess a wry grin. "You can complain to Herb all you want..." His tone gets a little louder on purpose, knowing Herb will hear him from beyond the wall. "...won't do any good though, the slave driver."

Still grinning, Carson leans forward to give Jess a quick kiss. "So what's up today, babe? Anything exciting?"

"This is great man, thanks for the help. We shouldn't have to stay too long."

Mike looks across the living room to Rocky and shakes his head. "You guys can stay as long as you want. I just hated seeing you spend your money on that hotel for so long. Not that you'll want to stay on couches and floors for too long, but you're more than welcome."

"Who's on floors?" Taylor grins from her seat in one of the overstuffed chairs. "Oh, that's right," she teases. "I'm the one who got the spare bed."

Axel throws a paper airplane at her from his position on the floor in front of the couch. "Don't rub it in."

Taylor sticks her tongue out at him. "Woman's privilege."

Axel grins a little, then looks to Mike. "Who's bike in the garage?"

"Oh, that's Jason's."


"Yeah. He wrecked it a while back, but his knee was bad enough that he shouldn't have been riding anyway, so he's just storing it here until he can get around to getting it fixed when he can ride again. I'm actually surprised he hasn't been on the road with it yet, though it's been a little chilly and I'm not sure he's got the money right now for the repairs."

Axel quirks an eyebrow. "I see." He thinks for a moment. "How far is it to town?"

Mike shrugs. "We're about five miles out. Why?"

"Thinking about taking a walk."

Max's eyes widen. "To town? Are you nuts?"

"I like walking."

Max rolls his eyes. "I forgot. Oh, hey, I saw you got a package from Derek yesterday. Music?"

Axel nods. "Yep."

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