
Words do no Justice

*Nate listens to Carson intently. It dident seem like he was telling a tall tail. The look in his eye was almots sadness and maybe really was regret. Nate's heart went out to him. How long ago was it he was lost and felt so alone. Nate himself at one time felt traped in a life he dident understand. Differnt situations but still the same feeling before he had come to TJY.*

"Never give up hope enough you wish for death on yourself. Ya you may have done some horrable things in your life, but its never to late to change and have people there to help you. Yes The Agency is rough and would come after you, but if you had people, friend who would stand behind you to protect you, you also could make it out. You took the first step this morning when you showed compation for Jamie and dident kill her. Ya you were going to leave her there, but you still had good intentions. Its never to late and God can wash you past clean for you, so you can stay a new."

*Nate goes silent for a long moment. Just thinking about the past and remembering his own pain he felt.*

"I'm sorry about your parents and your sister Carson. I am sure it was not easy seeing them die and it probley could even make a person alittle crazed. In a sence I know how you feel. At a young age right after my parents found out my little sister had downsyndrom for sure they disapeared. Who knows where they went or if there were even still alive. The police tryed to look for them, put out flyers, put stuff on the news but nothing ever came of it. Its hard losing people close to you. It really is. You just have to remember, life moves on, tomarrow is another day and you just have to deal as it comes at you. Dont dwell in the past or it will eat you alive."

*As Katie holds on tight to Jason she notices that now they are heading away from town and the Restront. Wonder dwells in Katies mind but no words are said. Katie new, Jason must have a plane for something. He always had a reson for everything. As they drive out onto the country road and the bike moves faster, Katie s heart starts to race more with excitment. How wonder ful this way. Katie felt so carfree. As they near the lake Katie cant help but smile under her helmet. The Lake had become one of the hangout spots Katie seemed to be at the most and rather enjoyed it. Once the moter on the bike is turns off Katie swings her other leg around and just sits on the bike her legs dangling not being able to touch the ground. Katie gazes out at the harizon listing to the soft splash of water hits the rocks it was more than breath taking. Turning her head to Jason Katie's smile is still held, the last rays of the colorful sunset being reflected off her eyes as they dance around looking into Jason's"

"Its sure is. For some reson though that word dosent seem to quite cover it. I can think of so many words, and yet non of them will do it justice. What a great view. Away from the city lights and noise."

*Katie looks into Jason's eyes for a while longer, not being able to drop her gaze. Finally catching her breath again, she loses it ask her feeling stir inside of her. Looking back out at the sky, without even caring what would be said or how Jason would react, Katie slips her hand into his ever so lightly, but stong enough to still know its there.*

"It is very pretty. One of a kind. We wont even see another one like it. So we better lock it in our memorie bank and hold on to it forever."

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