

{Time slips away the grains of sand through ones fingers. Time is free, but it's priceless. You can't own it, but you can use it. You can't keepit, but you can spend it. Once you've lost it you can never get it back. So one must move on and hope for the best...and so the time in Navada and Texas did just that. It moved on waiting for no one and before anyone new it a months time was gone.}

*Katie's eyes flutter before they open. For along moment after Laura leaves Katie just looks around her room as the sun beams in. Finally the words Laura spoke before she left sand in. Today she was going to get to see Jason. Her heart raced with excitment. A month was ages in Katie's mind. Jumping out of bed she rushs around taking a shower, geting dresses, geting something to eat. Finally she was ready. Placing her sunglass on and placing her keys in her hand Bag Katie remembers some pictures from her room to show Jason. Ones of Carson and Misty, Laura and Nate, Con and Jame. Katie though Jason would like to see them. She even had some of Jetstream with Jen holding up a we miss you sign. Puting them in her purse as well. Looking at the clock Katie notes it 8:40. Lockheart would be there soon and they would be on there way.*

*Lockheart drives down the road a certin excitment of her own running thought her. Today was the long awaited day for Katie to see Jason. She new they both missed eachother very much and it would do them good. Lockheart herself was excited to see him and see how he was doing.

As Lockheart pulls into Katie's driveway it takes not time for Katie to exit the house and get into the car. Pulling out again they are on there way to the jail. Lockheart fills in Katie how things will go. She also informs Katie she is not sure how long they will let they stay and talk, but she dosent exspect it to be over an hour.

After about three hours the jail finally comes into view. Katie's heart starts to beat faster and her tummy does flip flops. She was excited to see Jason but a bit scaired too. After Lockheart parks the car Katie steps out and waits for her to exit as well.

Making sure she has everything she needs Lockheart steps out of the car as well and steps alongside Katie leting out a long sigh of her own. Both ladys make there way to the door. Once inside Lockheart stops at the desk and informs them they are here to see Jason.*

*Misty looks up from her desk as Carson peeks in. Smiling up at him. Lifting her hand she points a playful finger at him leting Carson's barlet jinggle on her wrist as she points.*

"I am early and you are late again."

*Standing she smiles and goes over to Carson puting her arms around his neck and stealing a quick kiss from him.*

"What am I going to do with you Carson Banks? How come you were late again today?"

*Misty cant help but hold her smile as she keeps her arms around his neck. The last month had passed so fast and Misty had enjoyed every moment of it with Carson. Soon her test would be coming up that ment the end of her internship and she would be staying in Navada to finish out school. She had everything she wanted here now. There was no way Misty could leave it all behind now.*

*Jamie makes her way acorss the TJY floor giving a small wave to Nate as she pass. Heading to her desk she lets out a long sigh. There was another pile of paper work on her desk. Its seemed in the last month the paper work was coming in more and more. The bases for TJY that were scattered about seemed to be much busyer than normal. Seeing as the Navada base was headqourters there paper work came there and that ment more work for Jamie. She was happy she had Katie to work with her though or she would never get anything done.

Siting down at her desk she starts to sort through the pile. Opening envilopes and sorting papers in todo piles so she could get everything done at one time. Quickly Jamie jots down on a post it to call Con around noon and see what he was doing for lunch. Over the last month is Jamie wasent at work she was with Con. It just seemed a normal rutean now to be with him and Jamie loved it. Her best friend had become so much more and it felt so good.*

*Wes lets out a yawn and rolls over in bed streching an arm out to wrap around his sleeping wife. Only to be greeted by the empty space where he new she had layed the night before. Siting up in bed Wes throws on a t-shirt and makes his way to the kitchen smelling the new brewed coffee knowing Cindy was there somewhere. As Wes pours his coffee his mind goes back over the last month. Shortly after Cindy and he were married Rosetta had cleaned up the unused bunk that was more of a min hour for Cindy and Wes to use till the own home was complete. It was tiny but it fit for right now and Wes was happy. His simple life had seemed to have gotten so much better. Taking his coffee mug in his hand he makes his way to the open door and looks out. A smile crossing his face as he see Cindy siting on the step. Opening the door it squeeks alittle than shuts. As Wes sits down on the step he slids his free arm around Cindy giving her a quick kiss.*

"Good Morning. I was thinking if you havent eaten already I could make us some breakfest."

*Wes keeps his arm around Cindy as he leans his head aganst her and looks out over the ranch where people were starting to wake and move about ready to start the new day. Leting out a content sigh Wes couldent picture a place he would rather be. Soon they would be in there new home, they would start collecting fernature, they already had a few pictures painted by Wendy to hand around there place, and some other items given to they for there wedding. Everytime Wes though about another thing he could do with Cindy, and the moments they would get to shair together his heart raced like they did the first moment he layed eyes on her. It seemed so long ago, yet like it was just yesterday and the feeling was still there never changing and Wes new it never would. Cindy was the woman he would spend the rest of his life with and he couldent ask nor did he want anything but that.*

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