
The truth

*As Katie enters Jason's office her heart races. Fear maybe is what drove it, being upset, the want for things to be normal. But things would never be normal again would they.*

"Jason, I wanted to talk. Have you hear my side of things insted of just whatever one alse told you. See the thing is when you hear something from other people, the story gets twisted along the way and somewhere the truth gets lost."

*Katie stops for a moment steping into Jason's office farther walking over to where the pictures like the walls and looking at them. Than slowly turns around remembering when she was in here and broke down crying.*

"It wasent long after the first time I saw you I broke down in that stop there...."

*Katie nods to the chair and than to the floor.*

"..I cryed and cryed. This was where I was closest to you Jason. Your smell lingered in this room and all I wanted was you to be home. It was heck having you gone. I do still love you Jason, and I did wait for you. Everything I said wasent a lie."

*Katie lets out a long sigh walking to the other side of the room. Trying to keep her emotions underweagh and keep Jason's anger at bay from her heart.*

"...than slowly you started locking me out. Hiding yourself from me, changing, I dident know who you were anymore. You were turning into the old Jason. I was left empty and alone, But I still loved you. That car I have outside Scott dident buy it, he got it as a favor someone owed him and he new I needed a car. It was his birthday gift to me. It wasent a bribe or a means to steal me away. Scott would never do that to you."

*Katie movies away from the other wall and paces in small circles.*

"By closing yourself off to me, you hurt me more than you know. Many days I was so sick from it I could hardly leave the house. I missed so much work I'm saprised I still have a job at all. At one point Con even thought I was dieing. Scott and I wernt dating, I wasent dating someone alse while you were in Jail. Scott asked me if I'd like to go to the movies with him as friends. Did we kiss ya we did, wasent anything major no. It was just a kiss and than we talked. He said he was wrong and I said I was wrong. Scott new I loved you..."

*Katie lets out a sigh finally siting down in one of the chairs.*

"...than we were working on geting you out together. Reese new we worked well together. We both could hack. One thing lead to another and did we kiss again...ya we did. The emptyness you left was filled and Scott still new I loved you. He new that when you came home there would be a chanse I never talked to him again. Cuz he new my feelings for you."

*Katie lets out another long tired sigh.*

"..But than Jason something happend....You came home. And I saw what I would be giving up. Something, someone so dear to me. I dident want to let you go anymore. How could I when your someone I loved so much. I was going to talk to you about the whole Scott thing. I just dident want to pile it on you right after you got out. So I waited. Is it to late now, I dont know. I guess thats up to you, or something that just needs to be though about. I just wanted you to know the truth. I did and do love you that would never change.

As for Con, dont be to hard on him. I asked him not to tell you. Cuz I wanted you to hear from me. Take what I said or leave it. I cant be in much more pain than I am now. I just wanted you to know the truth."

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