
Dawn greeting lives

Heading back inside with Mike, Jason pauses, looking toward the quiet road. A faint smile surfaces. It was strange... It wasn't an audible sound in his mind...it wasn't even words. It was a new language that somehow was simply understood. One that could never be explained or described...only felt.

Feeling a little less alone, Jason climbs the porch steps and enters the house again to stay for a while longer.

Scott chuckles and nods. "The last time I left Domino out, she didn't talk to me for two days." Grinning, they slow for a stop sign and turn, heading towards town.

Kyle gives a little smirk at Misty, but nods to assure her that if he needed anything, he would call her. He remains quiet most of the ride back. He knew he shouldn't be talking at all, and it was too dark to sign or write anything down.

Once they reach the apartment, he pauses before getting out of the car, studying Misty for just a moment. He was grateful for her support today at Mike's...and though they both knew that their relationship had caused this chain of events, he wasn't going to be sorry about it.

Working at it for a moment without his voice, he gets across, "Have a good day tomorrow at work. I'll be in sometime to see Rick so I'll see you then."

Reaching down, he gives her hand a squeeze, then slips out of the car, shutting the door and tapping the roof with his palm as if telling her "go." Walking backward, he watches her leave and gives a wave before turning to go inside. Once in bed, it takes him no more than thirty seconds to be sound asleep.

Before sleep though, one task is done, and a text message is sent to Misty's phone. "I need...oh, no, false alarm. Nevermind. The night light is working fine and I just found my teddy bear. I can sleep now. Goodnight."

Carson can feel how much Jess is trying to be strong, and though respecting her for it, knows that it's healthier just to let it all out.

He stays close, just letting her talk. Not saying much, but listening. Just listening as the time slips away. Her stories bring a sense of melancholy - both a sympathy for her, and memories from Carson's own past that he had never shared with anyone.

By the time the stories are through, both are further back on the bed, leaned against the wall, so awake but so tired at the same time.

Jess' comment about feeling safe makes Carson feel good...as though maybe he's finally done something right again. He'd messed up so many things lately that to actually be of help to someone was almost like a new sensation.

"You deserve to feel safe more often," he comments quietly.

Letting out a long slow sigh, Carson gives her shoulders a little squeeze and pats her arm before straightening and finally moving to stand up. Stretching, he yawns, trying to figure out where to go from here. It was late. He didn't want to walk back to Mom and Pop's at this hour. Maybe he'd just stay right here and slip out early before others got in to work.

"You should get some sleep," he prompts Jess gently. Pulling the covers down on the bed for her, he directs her under the sheets. Moving just a short ways away, Carson lowers himself to the floor, grabbing an extra blanket for a pillow. "If you need anything in the night, Jess, I'm right here."

As the stars make their way across the sky and the moon shines its light on the night, dreams filter on the air, and sleep takes over weary souls. Exhaustion rules some dreamless sleep, while stress and heartache give battles to others whose eyes remain open.

And when the morning comes, a new day is presented with feelings of change in the wind. There were things people could not predict. Chain reactions that had been put into play long before, now to affect the lives of those so closely intertwined.

Outside of town, the sun rises on the little country house, waking one who looks forward to the day, now that love has found him once again.

An apartment lies quiet as one has already left to work for the day, the other sound asleep in bed with no intentions of rising until he wakes.

A house is roused gently with the rustle of a large friend nuzzling his master awake. The recipient of the cold, wet nose rolls over to block out the sunlight, but knows the inevitable truth, that the day had come.

Across town, another house is alive with lights, plans for the day already starting as the figure gets ready for work, helped by the little black and white pup.

One whose life has changed so much, rises to greet the dawn. Without work to greet him back, his goals have changed to the hunt of things to keep busy.

Another with the same goal to find work lies sleeping, waiting for the sun to rise just a little further before rolling out of bed. Heads, he'd sleep late. Tails, he'd get up in half an hour.

Gentle voices are heard in the spacious house across the way as parents speak to their daughter. It's a house of peace, despite the threats, and the presence of a friend to keep watch has helped sleep come easier in the night.

One house is awakened by one rising, while another returns from the night. The riser prepares for the day, while the one coming slips into bed. Lives so different...one settled and confident, following his father's footsteps. The other unsure and unsteady, frustrated with things unable to be conquered.

A cat's meow bids his mistress farewell as the house is opened and shut for the day, an early day starting. Paperwork was waiting.

TJY's quietness slowly is overtaken by voices and the whirring of computers started for the day. While in a little room, one has forgotten to rise before the faces have shown up

Lives were connected in a tangled web only the Maker could see. But in His eyes, it was a web of hearts and lives that would someday see their purpose and their connections as His plans were revealed.

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